PyWeek - Make Me - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
5 5 5

Okay, you win.

3 4 3

Quality stuff, found it awkward to control in places but graphically very fun.

3 5 3


4 4 3

Nice game. I like it.

3 4 2

nice plataformer.

5 5 5

Bloody brilliant! This is the kind of game I'd make if I didn't suck!

3 4 3

very nice graphics! and well made game. didn't found a bug while playing and it was a pleasure

2 4 2

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 34, in <module>
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/gamelib/", line 575, in main
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 263, in run
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 91, in run
sleep_time = self.idle()
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 187, in idle
dt = clock.tick(True)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/", line 675, in tick
return _default.tick(poll)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/", line 290, in tick
item.func(ts - item.last_ts, *item.args, **item.kwargs)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/gamelib/", line 150, in update
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/", line 282, in tick
func(delta_t, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/gamelib/", line 369, in update
self.movement.update(dt, self)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/gamelib/", line 143, in update'clunk.wav')
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/gamelib/", line 66, in play
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/media/", line 396, in play
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/media/", line 788, in queue
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/media/", line 882, in _begin_source
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/media/", line 692, in _create_audio
self._audio = audio_player_class(source.audio_format)
File "/home/facundo/juegos/pyweek/make_me/pyglet/media/drivers/openal/", line 113, in __init__
raise OpenALException('Unsupported audio format.')

4 3 5

A great game, marred by a few annoying problems. I found myself dying seemingly randomly, with little explanation of what had happened. The robot is quite difficult to control in a few of its forms, and this added to the death problem. Also, some of the tile graphics really let down the visuals (which are otherwise superb). Great entry!

5 4 4

Brilliant! There was one section near the top of the water where you go in a room that's not possible to get out of (Have to get small to go in, but then none of the small forms are able to jump high enough to escape). Also, several times I tried to change forms and it went to just the head and wouldn't let me cycle any of the other parts, and I was confused as to why this wasn't allowed.

3 3 4

It's very nice

4 5 4

Nice fluid animations for the menus. Nice mix of the rpg and platforming genres. Was kinda fun
to play :)

4 4 4

Very well done. There were a few visible bugs with the enemies getting stuck occasionally but that didn't take away from the gameplay really.

4 4 4

Very nice game, slightly let down by an inexplicable death whilst trying to destroy the wall leading to the fourth heart-box. This is presumably due to either a bug or a slight weakness in the self-explanation of the game.

4 4 4

A really nice game. I hope you continue working on it.

2 4 3

There seemed to be some problems with the body part changing. Not quite sure what was going on - after the first time with the wheel I could never seem to equip it again. General swtiching seemed odd as well. Quite similar idea to the evolution game in PyWeek 4.

4 5 4

This is really nice and complete -- well done!
The way the screen bounces around looks cool
at first, but it makes me dizzy after a while.
Would be useful to have a way to turn it off.
Also, having the screen track the player so
closely makes it hard to see when an enemy is
approaching from just out of view in some
situations, particularly the bird in the upper
left area.

4 5 3

Awesome style and graphics, great illustrations, and cool music! Good play mechanics, although early stages are a bit frustratingly slow, and jump puzzles are a bit tiring to me. Overall, awesome polish and feel, and solid game experience. Great job!

4 5 5

Fun game! I thought that the references to Bioshock and Portal were great, as well as all of the other artwork in the game. The robot and the blueprints had great flair, and though it wasn't always clear what the various things were for (leather hat? tophat?), it was still a lot of fun to go around and pick them up. Graphics were a bit glitchy, and there was a bit of trouble getting Pyglet to work on OSX, but overall it was a really fun game! The crashed once when I tried to attack the Portal-computer with my wrench:
<pre>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 34, in <module>
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/gamelib/", line 575, in main
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 263, in run
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 84, in run
self._timer_proc(timer, None, False)
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 133, in _timer_proc
sleep_time = self.idle()
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/app/", line 187, in idle
dt = clock.tick(True)
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/", line 675, in tick
return _default.tick(poll)
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/", line 290, in tick
item.func(ts - item.last_ts, *item.args, **item.kwargs)
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/gamelib/", line 150, in update
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/pyglet/", line 290, in tick
item.func(ts - item.last_ts, *item.args, **item.kwargs)
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/gamelib/", line 191, in rocket_time
File "/Users/clint/Desktop/pyweek6-games_04-07-2008/make_me/gamelib/", line 231, in remove_placed
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list</pre><br>
Still, I was able to get back in the game and get back to the end without *too* much trouble (man, those early forms move slow!) -- but it was a lot of fun! Very good job! :) I loved the music and smooth camera, and the particle fx helped too. Well done!

4 4 2 yes

Very nice graphics, cool sounds. Reminds me a lot to your previous entry about evolution. I had
to borrow another guy's machine to try it, though, since it uses a new pyglet and it doesn't work
with my video card :( It still has some bugs (some enemies would remain motionless for ever,
preventing me to go to a certain zone), but it is in general very polished.

1 3 3


3 5 2

A well done platformer; and nice idea of having parts to build your robot (even if I discovered I could change them just by accident; would never thought using ESC was part of the game instead of just a quit key). Hit a lot of bugs where I went through walls (specially with the monocycle)

4 4 4

To slow. But i´d like it! Nice graphics!

3 3 3

nice graphics

4 4 4

Awesome game. I love what you did with the menus and the gameplay queues throughout the level. Very artistic. My biggest complaint is the maddeningly slow movement speed, but that is just a tweak so I kept your scores high. Great work.

4 5 3

Enjoyed playing. The blueprint main menu was very nice.

2 3 3

'twas cool, but you moved slower than a snail. It was too slow to play very long. Nice gfx though.

4 4 5

A bit short but fun and very well-made. :)

2 4 3

I like the art. The game plays too slow, though, making it not so fun.

5 5 5

Fantastic! - 'nuff said. [well, I would be happy if it would have been much longer and with
additional blueprints! ^^]

4 5 5

The sound and music didn't work, though.

3 4 4

Cool, but it crashed when I was finishing the game, that is not good...

2 5 3

I really wanted to love this, because it's totally cute and amazingly polished and we need more games about getting girl-bots to like you. But the gameplay is just so slow that after ten minutes, eventually getting the snorkel and then being unable to work out where to go next, I couldn't carry on.

5 5 5

That was delightful! I was sad when I finished it, because I wanted more.

I wasn't sure what a few of the attachments did. Also, the mermaid tail didn't seem to work (but I was able to get out of the water okay with the pogo-body)

Anyway, top marks. I hope you continue to develop this further after pyweek.

4 4 5

This was really wonderful. I beat it, so there's nothing to go back to, but I definitely had more
fun playing this than any other entry. It was a bit slow until I got the balloon, then it was way
too easy, but I was really hooked into winning the robot lady's heart. Really great use of
theme, putting a classic archetypal story in the robot context, then making the fact that he is
a robot a fundamental part of gameplay - really brilliant. I loved the art and the style too,
simple but charming (the cloud walls were great).

5 5 5

Very nicely done, but unfortunately bugs in the gameplay meant it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been. Baddies seemed to get stuck in exactly the place I needed to go. Then I got stuck somewhere unable to change form for some reason. Both requiring exiting the game, which meant doing the start again.