see you soon
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card |
Buffalo974 | 2017/10/21 23:43 |
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Buffalo974 | 2017/10/21 23:42 |
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Buffalo974 | 2017/10/21 23:41 |
playing idea |
Buffalo974 | 2017/10/16 19:32 |
Diary Entries
Day 1 - "Play Chemistry with Python"
Atoms and Molecules are behind everything.
Lets make a "pedagogic and funny" game.
I am brainstorming what i am able to do, the time available to me this week, how to show it interesting, pretty and handy.
Hmmm... Maybe a card game, with goal molecule to achieve and give points ?
I want to show you Thorpy library which works upon Pygame. It's a smart and clever tool.
Lets make a "pedagogic and funny" game.
I am brainstorming what i am able to do, the time available to me this week, how to show it interesting, pretty and handy.
Hmmm... Maybe a card game, with goal molecule to achieve and give points ?
I want to show you Thorpy library which works upon Pygame. It's a smart and clever tool.
Day 2 - Discover Chemistry basics with card game
5 days, 5 hours to go and ZERO code written yet.
But it's hard to find how to make funny playing with complex principles. But it comes slowly.
I want the player to learn how to make parfum, soap, banana aroma, aspirin and paracetamol for example.
Player will discover chemical functions as alcools, alcanes, amines, weak acid/base etc.
The player begin with a deck of chemicals substance , can start with some cards in hand, and have to manage with cards on table.
A little bit like Poker Texas Holdem.
Each time a chemical reaction is successfull, table is cleaned and the player is given points. Game over when no time left or when deck finished.
Best score player win ( for LAN).
I dont know how to make junction with general chemy (mineral) and organic chemy, i'd like to introduce fast oxydoreduction potential.

But it's hard to find how to make funny playing with complex principles. But it comes slowly.
I want the player to learn how to make parfum, soap, banana aroma, aspirin and paracetamol for example.
Player will discover chemical functions as alcools, alcanes, amines, weak acid/base etc.
The player begin with a deck of chemicals substance , can start with some cards in hand, and have to manage with cards on table.
A little bit like Poker Texas Holdem.
Each time a chemical reaction is successfull, table is cleaned and the player is given points. Game over when no time left or when deck finished.
Best score player win ( for LAN).
I dont know how to make junction with general chemy (mineral) and organic chemy, i'd like to introduce fast oxydoreduction potential.

day 3 - quick revision and modelization of chemistry engine
GUI is not yet started...
I will use dicts, list, sets for IA recognize synthesis and extractions.
I will use a little bit of OOP when needed , and basic GUI upon it when ready...
I have a list of synthesis synth_list which content each reaction :
Aspirin = [['Salicylic_Acid','Ethanoic_Anhydride'],['AcetylSalicylic_Acid','Ethanoic_Acid']]
Paracetamol = [['4_Aminophenol','Ethanoic_Anhydride'],['Paracetamol','Ethanoic_Acid']]
Isoamyl_Acetat = [['Isoamyl_Alcohol','Ethanoic_Acid'],['Isoamyl_Acetat','Water']]
olive_soap = [['Oleine','NaOH'],['oleic_carboxylate','Glycerol']]
Left side is reactiv, Right side is products. I dont use stochiometric coefficient for the moment.
When player will touch cards, IA check if the set matches with known reaction.
I will find pictures to make cards more sexy than equation (ie banana for flavour products, tablets for paracetamol ...)
I will use dicts, list, sets for IA recognize synthesis and extractions.
I will use a little bit of OOP when needed , and basic GUI upon it when ready...
I have a list of synthesis synth_list which content each reaction :
Aspirin = [['Salicylic_Acid','Ethanoic_Anhydride'],['AcetylSalicylic_Acid','Ethanoic_Acid']]
Paracetamol = [['4_Aminophenol','Ethanoic_Anhydride'],['Paracetamol','Ethanoic_Acid']]
Isoamyl_Acetat = [['Isoamyl_Alcohol','Ethanoic_Acid'],['Isoamyl_Acetat','Water']]
olive_soap = [['Oleine','NaOH'],['oleic_carboxylate','Glycerol']]
Left side is reactiv, Right side is products. I dont use stochiometric coefficient for the moment.
When player will touch cards, IA check if the set matches with known reaction.
I will find pictures to make cards more sexy than equation (ie banana for flavour products, tablets for paracetamol ...)
day 4 - Revision chem. course
thinking about best way fo feed "database" or add mods after pyweek, maybe a teacher would like to use my card game engine.
For general chemistry, I had a look on wikipedia about metal extraction from rocks like malachite, siderite, Smithsonite, vivianite, pyromorphite...
Want also to introduce pictogram for poison, radioactiv, corrosive, or explosive substance.
For general chemistry, I had a look on wikipedia about metal extraction from rocks like malachite, siderite, Smithsonite, vivianite, pyromorphite...
Want also to introduce pictogram for poison, radioactiv, corrosive, or explosive substance.
Chemistry day 5
Chemistry day 6
I worked on card making from data,
tomorrow i make a GUI. Lol.
Lack time because lack motivation and energy on this session...little bit lazy...
tomorrow i make a GUI. Lol.
Lack time because lack motivation and energy on this session...little bit lazy...
day 7 - Play Chemistry : not finished, i give up :-(
Lack time, lack energy and motivation.
But the last day i see potential.
I wasted time with theory revision and graphic managing.
But i know what i want for game engine.
I will post finish product if i have time a day.
You have cards in your hand at bottom, you put chemical cards up (red zone) to make in interact.
If reaction possible, (ex alcohol + organic acid gives ester like in parfum, aroma ... ; triglycerid + caustic soda gives soap + glycerol ...)
I already have algorithm to make with PIL cards from chemical data, and engine is done to check reactions.
dont forget to visit your forsaken projects __NEED_BLOOD
But the last day i see potential.
I wasted time with theory revision and graphic managing.
But i know what i want for game engine.
I will post finish product if i have time a day.
You have cards in your hand at bottom, you put chemical cards up (red zone) to make in interact.
If reaction possible, (ex alcohol + organic acid gives ester like in parfum, aroma ... ; triglycerid + caustic soda gives soap + glycerol ...)
I already have algorithm to make with PIL cards from chemical data, and engine is done to check reactions.
dont forget to visit your forsaken projects __NEED_BLOOD