PyWeek - batholith - feedback

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3 2 1 yes

Not wibbly-wobbly.

2 2 3

The concept of the game sounds interesting but the game itself was a bit confusing. Getting the items seem to cause cave-ins at random, but - maybe that's just me - I don't really see how the cave-ins add to the game. And, this is just a tiny annoyance, but why do you have to press spacebar to get the next message - couldn't it have been timed/replaced? The game needs more than just walking around and getting gems/mushrooms. I like the concept of digging and creating cave-ins, but that seems to serve no purpose in this game (for example, I think this game would be more fun if digging at certain spots would let you reach more items, or the cave-ins could be controlled to block enemies or something). (Ok, I just saw the "TODO list" in the description. That explains why this game feels like it's missing something. I think those would definitely add to the game.)

1 1 1

There was supposed to be some connection to the theme. Wibbly-Wobbly? Maybe I haven't played enough roguelikes, but I didn't understand what was going on with the green rectangles. And it turns out that you can go negative health without dying. I feel like this game has a long way to go and has been done.

3 2 3

there was error:
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pygame/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
flin, flout, flerr = os.popen3('fc-list : file family style')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 3, in <module>
from gamelib import main
File "/home/godfryd/PyWeek-10-finals/batholith/batholith-1.0/gamelib/", line 482, in <module>
File "/home/godfryd/PyWeek-10-finals/batholith/batholith-1.0/gamelib/", line 475, in main
screen.scroll(5, 5)
AttributeError: 'pygame.Surface' object has no attribute 'scroll'

2 2 2

Feels very unfinished and confusing.

2 2 2

I love roguelikes, but this is not much of a roguelike since it's realtime. It's also not much of anything else, since you just wander around in the dark picking up everything that comes your way. Maybe it's a good basis for future development.

1 1 2

in my opinion graphics should have been a little bit more meticulous

2 3 2

The font rendering was miserable on my system (Linux). Not sure why...

1 3 1

theme? looks like a nethack clone

3 2 3 yes

I don't think this really suites the theme.
Anyway explored path is too dark and difficult to see.

1 3 1

A rougelike without enemies is quite dull.

I do like the graphical representation: still very true to its roguelike origins - but a tad more modern and minimalistic. The sound effects could have been more subtle, though.

2 2 2

it has a lot of potential, tough

3 3 3

Looked like a simple game, but it was extremely difficult to read the text in parts. Things were
also so small on the screen that it was difficult to see what was happening .

2 3 3

i'm sorry but i just couldn't figure out how to play this game. :(
Guess it's not my cup of tea..

2 3 2

Sorry. I don't know howto play you game.

1 2 3

There's not much happening in the game. :\

1 1 1

Everything is microscopically small, the corridors are too dark to see easily against the background, and it responds very sluggishly to keystrokes. Also nothing interesting to do.

3 2 4 yes

Where's the wibbly wobbly??

1 2 1

worthless and out of theme, disqualify yrself :D

2 2 2 yes

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pygame/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
flin, flout, flerr = os.popen3('fc-list : file family style')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
from gamelib import main
File "/media/1A0C4CAE196AF53F/downloads/PyWeek-10-finals/batholith/batholith-1.0/gamelib/", line 482, in <module>
File "/media/1A0C4CAE196AF53F/downloads/PyWeek-10-finals/batholith/batholith-1.0/gamelib/", line 475, in main
screen.scroll(5, 5)
AttributeError: 'pygame.Surface' object has no attribute 'scroll'

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec 7 2009, 18:45:15)
Pygame version '1.8.1release'

2 2 3

Nice level generation but kind of unfinished without the RPG elements. You should show the player's health ALL the time - every time I died I was caught by surprise and skipped the game over screen because I was still pressing the movement buttons.

2 3 4

Quite irritating that I died right after picking up a gem (cave ins are quite evil) - twice. I also did not understand how the paths are generated - I started in the first room and nothing happened (the paths did not evolve further) in my first try until about 2 minutes passed.