Planet's End

Realizing the Potential of the Post-Apocalyptic Genre

For unknown reasons, a great calamity has befallen the red planet, causing waves of burning meteors to rain from the skies. Evade the meteors if you wish to live another day in the physical world. And note, that only with a spirit as immovable as a mountain, and legs as quick as a flash, may one see to surviving this ordeal.

Use arrow keys to move.


Keep on swatting
Presented by Quikli

What is free will?
Presented by speedlimit35

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Overall: 2.3
Fun: 2.4
Production: 2.4
Innovation: 2.1

2% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 17


File Uploader Date
Apex 2022/09/10 23:45
Apex 2022/09/10 23:42

Diary Entries


Appointed unto man once to die; and one dead, cannot be alive. The inability to restart the game without quitting and rerunning the program was an intentional choice made to further emphasize the value of life. Strive to survive and your life will not be deprived.

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