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4 4 3

It's a fairly simple idea, but it's quite fun. Voices are fun, particularly the dying ones. I know it's hard to make time, but this game could have used more variations in gameplay (different weapons, something to make formation strategy more important).

3 3 2

Not badly done space shoot-me-up. Control system was ill-suited to my
trackpad, which made the game less enjoyable than it could have been.

2 3 2

I don't seem to be very good at this.

4 5 4

Very impressive technically and a lot of fun to play. Well done :-)

1 1 1 yes

ValueError: numpy.dtype does not appear to be the correct type object

3 3 3


4 4 3

I had a lot of fun playing this, and with the sound and parallax clouds/ground it's a very
accomplished game. I didn't feel there were enough options in combat - things like more
formations, boosts and special moves that I could have mixed in to give me the upper hand in

4 4 3

Nice game. I didn't get that far (is there no way to repair damaged squad members?), but I liked it.

3 4 4

There's a lot of content here. So much that I can't really tell what's going on most of the time. I can't make out the bullets from the ships from the islands below. It's really hard for me to tell when I'm doing well and when I'm doing baldy. Despite that, your menu system and briefings are great. I like that you implemented three different formations that continue to work after a wingman dies, even though I couldn't really figure out when I should be using them.

3 3 4

WAY TOO HARD! I could survive only 20 seconds into the first level. Other than that, I can only
assume that the rest of the game was fun. My 20 seconds was interesting, mostly because of the
weird-but-funny messages from the other teammates and the customizable formations.

3 3 2

Second level seems impossibly hard. There are just too many enemies to avoid losing a few ships in the first few encounters, and then it's an inevitable death spiral as you lose ships at an ever increasing rate. Also the animation that occurs when a member of your squad dies seems to freeze your controls for a few moments so that you can't avoid enemy fire and suffer yet more damage.

3 3 4



I had some fun playing this. Unfortunately, I didn't last very long. I lost a way into the second stage, then realized I had vertigo from all the spinning.


I like the spinning playfield. I just wish I wasn't prone to dizziness from it.

The formations are a very nice touch. But I only found benefit from the default formation. I'm curious if the game is a bit too fast paced to allow any effective use of these. Have you done so?


This is the part that usually gets the axe as time runs out, and I felt that that is what happened here. Perfectly understandable.

The sound effects were good.

The main menu selector was nicely done, if a bit too snappy. I think a fade-in/fade-out might have smoothed it out nicely. This is only an observation. If you prefer it the way it is, that is ok. The other menu screens were still frames; nothing wrong with that, but again nothing special.

What I really would have liked, and is missing, is another level of polish applied to combat. For example, the squadron flying into formation instead of simply warping. A somewhat slower pace so I could get position in dogfights without turning unrealistically on a dime. Something nice and juicy when the big ships are destroyed (my screen simply went blank for a moment--maybe this is a bug?). More visible ammo streaks, more remarkable hits, smoke tails, varied explosions, combat eye-candy in general. =) You could have gone all out, given time of course.


A decent game I would like to have seen go further. Hope you'll continue developing it!

And I hope you find these comments helpful.

3 3 3

Neat little game. I struggled a bit to make the formations work effectively for me.

3 4 4

It was enjoyable. Innovative idea and formation of the ships was very good idea. The artwork was good too. Sound did not work properly on my system (Ubuntu 64 bit).

Definitely a good one. It could be more polished.

4 3 3

I loved the little soundbites, and the fact that each ship had a distinct pilot. I only got to level 2, though.

3 3 4

Nice Idea but levels some levels were just long a tedious, would have liked for enemies to be stronger against certain formations so there was more difference between them. Also intro dialoguewas annoying and background music would have made the game better.

3 4 3

Ey, very good final result having finished just 19 minutes before the deadline :-)
I needed some minutes to learn how to use my spaceships in an useful way, but after that I was a master :-D

3 2 1

+ nice work on characterization!

- the background is confusing
- the gameplay is rather dull

1 1 1

4 2 3

Really fun game idea :)

3 3 3

I lol'd at the reference to Star Fox. It was cool to have the guys pop in and say stuff.

The game was hard, but it felt like it wasn't possible to for me to get better. There's not much more you can do than point, shoot, and take damage. I had trouble figuring out the controls to change squadron positions. I thought that was a neat concept, but in the end didn't really help me kill the bad guys any more.