Full Fillment
It was a bad day.
Let's erase it from your mind, the good old way!
Drink the more you can before you hit the floor.
File | Uploader | Date |
Immagine 11.png
wobbly man |
Lukino | 2010/04/03 00:47 |
Immagine 10.png
Lukino | 2010/03/31 23:22 |
Immagine 7.png
Lukino | 2010/03/30 23:13 |
my hero |
Lukino | 2010/03/29 23:34 |
the main character |
Lukino | 2010/03/28 23:21 |
Diary Entries
Love this langage!
I went trough Python tutorial, I really like it! Also Pyglet looks interesting, but I didn't went in-depth.. I'll wait to have the theme and a design, to choose the library.
the drunken master!
Wibbly wobbly was a very hard theme for me.. I had ideas for most of the other themes! I was hoping for Rose, so I could build a game in which you are a rose plant, and you have to use limited resource for growing roots (faster resources) spikes (defenses), leaves (to process resources) and in the end flowers (for beauty!) and your objective would be to defend from menaces like sheeps an parassites and to be beautifull so the gardener would fertilize and not chop you.
Anyway, I thought of wobbling for all the day, and since I only wobble when drunk, I decided to come up with a game in which you are drunk. It will be an action/fighting o beat'em up game a la Double Dragon or River City Ransom, but your main weapon will be a beer bottle, that you can use to beat enemies or to drink off of it. By drinking, you can increase you alchool level: the point is that you are not a good fighter, but you are dangerous when drunk!
Most of the game mechanics will be about controlling you momentum: being drunk, you will wobble a lot. You must time correctly with your wobbling to inflict the maximum damage. The more you are drunk, the more powerfull your hits will be when you time correctly, but timing will be more difficult, because your wobbling will be less regular and more random.
I have also planned a basic plot, but this isn't very important at the moment.
I'm actually looking for the best library to built this game with, maybe pyglet+rabbyt but still not sure. I will start drawing some sprites tonight, haven't decided the graphic style yet but it will be simple, this is a solo entry! Then I'll work on the engine, hoping to have it working in 3 days, and next, I'll create all the levels I can before saturday.
If I can find the time, I'll walk down the movie rental to see if I can find a copy of Jakie Chan's Drunken Master: this is definetly not a kung-fu game, but maybe I can find some inspiration.
Title not decided yet, I'll try to be original before settling for what you expect.
Anyway, I thought of wobbling for all the day, and since I only wobble when drunk, I decided to come up with a game in which you are drunk. It will be an action/fighting o beat'em up game a la Double Dragon or River City Ransom, but your main weapon will be a beer bottle, that you can use to beat enemies or to drink off of it. By drinking, you can increase you alchool level: the point is that you are not a good fighter, but you are dangerous when drunk!
Most of the game mechanics will be about controlling you momentum: being drunk, you will wobble a lot. You must time correctly with your wobbling to inflict the maximum damage. The more you are drunk, the more powerfull your hits will be when you time correctly, but timing will be more difficult, because your wobbling will be less regular and more random.
I have also planned a basic plot, but this isn't very important at the moment.
I'm actually looking for the best library to built this game with, maybe pyglet+rabbyt but still not sure. I will start drawing some sprites tonight, haven't decided the graphic style yet but it will be simple, this is a solo entry! Then I'll work on the engine, hoping to have it working in 3 days, and next, I'll create all the levels I can before saturday.
If I can find the time, I'll walk down the movie rental to see if I can find a copy of Jakie Chan's Drunken Master: this is definetly not a kung-fu game, but maybe I can find some inspiration.
Title not decided yet, I'll try to be original before settling for what you expect.
after 24 hrs

maybe this is not a lot of stuff after one full day, but at least I know what to do next. I have defined a main character with very little animation to be drawn, so I can focus on coding its behaviours. Also I had a long nice walk in the country with my little daughter, so I call it a day and go to sleep.
too slow!

I'm far behind my planned schedule. I had very little time, and spent way too much of it experimenting with graphic styles and in useless animation that are so shitty I trowed them away, and installing pyglet and rabbyt (I must learn to look at the readme BEFORE wasting time!).
Anyway, here I introduce you the hero of this game, in a rare picture without a bottle. Tomorrow, hoping of being able do really do it, I'll focus on create a game window and load this guy inside it. Then, I'll try to make it move and, of course, wobble.
Startinq to look like a game

Here is my very first python code opening a window and loading some of the sprites that build the main character. Tomorow I must make it move!
Need help with rabbyt
So I'm using pyglet and rabbyt to handle game graphics. I realized that rabbyt sorts sprite depth on screen in the order I load them: now my problem is, if I want to move some sprites from behind a group of others to over them, is there any way different than re-load them all in a different order? I was looking around in google but cannot seem to find anything about this, can someone help me please?
it walks!

I am sick today. I skipped work and went to doctor, that gave me 3 days at home. I tought: yay! I can work on the game ;) but that wasn't true-- I spent most of the day in the bathroom :(
And to waste some more time, I put an exagerated effort in the walking animation. The results is so-so, I could have spent much less time in this - anyway, the guy is walking. Now I need to put some basic kinematic to handle the body shaken by alchool abuse, and I have no idea where to start, but I'm sure I can do it before tomorrow end, together with the keyboard controls. Worst case scenario, this will be a 1 vs 1 drunken fighting game.. I hope!
By the way, can someone tell me why pyglet framerate drops down to 4, to jump over 60 if I move the mouse fast over the window?
what? 23 hours???

Time is almost gone... I only managed to have a working charcter that walks, drinks, wobble and fall (well, some bugs still needs to be worked). Less than a day lasting, I will try to complete a game but there is family meeting tomorrow, I have to help wife cook and care the kid, so I'll hardly do it.
I've changed the gameplay idea to speed things up: you'll be in a bar, full of spirits you can grab, and your objective will be to raise your alchool level as much as you can without falling on ground.
Question: I've read about a 24 hours upload period... does it means one extra day to the week or did I understood it wrong? This can made the difference between a working game and a sprite demo for me..
Anyway it was a fun week, I removed lot of rust from my coding skills, learned the basics of Phyton - and I must say I love this language now - and saw a lot of nice projects growing, I cant wait to play the games you guys developed, many looks great, fun and orignal!
But now, I must sleep. See you for the final rush!
better next time
So the week is over, It was funny but if I'm nowere near something enjoyable. I had a chance to start learning python, I'll keep messing around, see you for the 11th pyweek and this time it will be easier to complete something!
Anyway, I'm now eager to try all the other entries, some are really interesting!
Anyway, I'm now eager to try all the other entries, some are really interesting!