PyWeek - White Noise - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
3 4 3

The aliens seem oblivious to my existence. Guess I'm not that yummy. :/ I really like that font.
I enjoyed reading the newspaper headlines, too. Judging by the contrast of the quality of the
graphics, I see how you left the graphics for last (and that was confirmed by your post). :) Too
bad, the alien looks really nice. Anyway, I had a satisfying couple-of-minutes playing your
game. :) Nice work.

4 4 3

Kudos for the music!

4 3 2

Not bad, though there was quite an artistic disparity between the aliens and everything else;-) My only major complaint is that I lost most of my lives when transitioning between areas - finding an alien right on top of you there is not much you can do.

3 3 3

good but there is music and no sound

1 2 2

Having the aliens in next screen appear too close to the border may cause the player to receive unavoidable damage. =(

4 3 1

Not very original, but I like the gameplay and the quirky graphics! I also had a good laugh about the newspaper interludes.

I miss decent audio-feedback when I shoot or hit something/someone.

1 3 1

Could be funnier if aliens did not follow their paths. They were too "mechanich" :)

2 2 1

needs something to separate it from other top-down shooters

4 3 3

The music alone kept me playing the game, love the music!

2 3 2

Well done enough, but you gotta make it interesting somehow.

2 2 1

The newspaper headlines were kind of funny but not enough to hold my attention enough to go through the boring gameplay. The alien sprites looked pretty good so the rest of the game looking the way it did is kind of disappointing. Need an indicator for how many aliens are left.

4 3 3

Heh.. great newspaper headlines, nice game. The only thing I miss is sound effects.

2 3 2

Nice story presentation

2 3 2

At least the newspaper was funny!

3 2 1

The newspaper headlines are hilarious! They really made the game for me. I was actually rewarded for playing and teased with the promise of more reward. I played for 21 days, when suddenly I died at the start of the game -- I guess I was spawned in the same place as an alien?

2 2 2

I like the news headlines.

3 2 2 yes

unfortunately the "pop.ogg" file appears to be missing from the data directory of the zip. it plays ok if you replace it

/AliensOnMyLawn-1.0$ python
* Initializing pygame
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
File "/home/simon/Development/python/pyweek8/AliensOnMyLawn-1.0/gamelib/", line 48, in main
sounds = GameSound(sound)
File "/home/simon/Development/python/pyweek8/AliensOnMyLawn-1.0/gamelib/", line 30, in __init__
self.pop_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(filepath('pop.ogg'))
pygame.error: Mix_LoadWAV_RW with NULL src

2 3 2

3 3 3 yes

* Initializing pygame
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
File "/home/macarse/Desktop/cripto/AliensOnMyLawn-1.0/gamelib/", line 48, in main
sounds = GameSound(sound)
File "/home/macarse/Desktop/cripto/AliensOnMyLawn-1.0/gamelib/", line 30, in __init__
self.pop_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(filepath('pop.ogg'))
pygame.error: Mix_LoadWAV_RW with NULL src

3 2 2

Despite the low amount of graphical effects, I enjoyed the game. The mid-level newspaper
flashes were funny. Hope to see this in the pyggy awards.

3 3 3

I like the newspapers XD

3 2 3

I'm sorry, but I didn't really like it. The graphics didn't really look cohesive... The aliens looked CG-ish, the playing field was kinda pixel-style, and the player character... Yeah. Decent otherwise, though.