Escape From Zombie Island!

I'm not perfect with pygame. I'm still learning how to make a game and thought this might be a good opportunity to build up on my skills. This is a platformer game. --An experiment went wrong causes the spread of a virus making the dead come alive... And returning as zombies! Now alone and isolated on the island, can you get out before you're zombie sushi?


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A platforming test
PyWhiz 2012/05/11 01:45

Diary Entries

Music and Sprites

Up to now I've made some of the music I'll be using for my game. In FL Studio.
 I've also been working on my sprites. I don't want to be restrictive or anything, so all code will be under the zlib license. The music and sprites are under the GPL version 3.


Platforming Tests

I've also done some platforming tests as you can see in that screenshot file. However, I did not
make that the screenshot because I didn't add the zombies yet. 

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