PyWeek - Unicorp Butterflies - feedback

Did not work


Wow, a lot of cool looking art. Nice music. As you said, it didn't run:

from carte import TypeCarte, TypeEtat, Carte
ImportError: cannot import name 'TypeCarte' from 'carte'

Did not work


attempted to run received this error.
`ImportError: cannot import name 'TypeCarte' from 'carte' (/home/user/python/pyweek/Unirgata/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/carte/`

I believe I installed the right carte package.

Did not work


There is some exception when starting the program. Also the author mentions it is not work at all.

Did not work

PyTM30", line 8, in <module>
from carte import TypeCarte, TypeEtat, Carte
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'carte'

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 1


There were no instructions!
Also it seems, that python 2 was used. After passing it through 2to3 fixer I could run it and got the lines below. But that was all it did. I give an extra point in production for the art, which is a shame that no one gets to see it in the game! I would like to work with such artist once.

Jean Loup-Garou, Well Mannered Werewolf
The Eye at the Center of The World
Homme-Ombre, Shadow Wizard
Bill Squelette
Wolcano, The Naughty Witch
Cent-Vingt Haches, The Depressed One
Jean Loup-Garou, Well Mannered Werewolf
Jean Loup-Garou, Well Mannered Werewolf
Bill Squelette
Gobzilla, Squishy Goblin

Choose number card : 1
This is not an integer. è_é
Gobzilla, Squishy Goblin
Choose number card : 2
This is not an integer. è_é
Jean Loup-Garou, Well Mannered Werewolf
Choose number card : 2.
Choose number card : 2.
Choose number card : 1
This is not an integer. è_é
Gobzilla, Squishy Goblin
Choose number card :

Did not work


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Unirgata\", line 3, in <module>
from import Game
File "Unirgata\unirgata\game\", line 8, in <module>
from carte import TypeCarte, TypeEtat, Carte
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'carte'

Did not work


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "unirgata-cards-battlers-dark-matters\Unirgata\", line 3, in <module>
from import Game
File "unirgata-cards-battlers-dark-matters\Unirgata\unirgata\game\", line 8, in <module>
from carte import TypeCarte, TypeEtat, Carte
ImportError: cannot import name 'TypeCarte' from 'carte' (unirgata-cards-battlers-dark-matters\Unirgata\venv\Lib\site-packages\carte\

Also, there is no English explanation (readme etc.)

Did not work


No module named 'carte'. what a pity, I love card battle games...

Did not work


Tried running it and it didn't work

Did not work


Sorry you didnt even get something functional out but you're right the art does look good :)

Did not work


Doesn't run, as the creator is aware

Did not work


The artwork and music look good: you should re-use them in a new project!