PyWeek - Topleft Games - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
3 3 3

I'm not a huge fan of micromanagement games, but this looks pretty cool. I like the idea (which
reminds me of Unholy Heights) and it's fun customizing the apartments. It would be nice to have
a mouseover or a box that shows what each thing does without having to click on it, both on buying
stuff and putting on ads. The graphics are not bad (though I'm not a fan of mixing up graphics
with different resolution) and the sound is a bit crackly and weird on my machine. Again, I
might not like micromanagement too much and I admit that I haven't played past the first floor,
but overall this is pretty solid!

2 4 3

I got an error some time into playing: File
"...\lessor\data\components\", line 116, in to_items
self.persist["menu"] = PurchaseUnitItemCategoriesWindow(self.building,
self.player, open_slot, self.unit) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'open_slot'
referenced before assignment Not sure what the game was about.

4 4 5

well, I am not good at this, I really want to type 'show me the money'. I just feel the game has low
rhythm, maybe it is just the style to kill time. ^ v ^

4 3 4

The humour, puns and the horror tropes in this made fun to play - though eventually just waiting
for money to roll in to afford another floor was monotonous. Kept hitting a bug where the game
would crash if you tried to buy more things than there were slots.

3 4 5

High innovation marks for all the various upgrades. Really creative and good use of the theme.
There was a pretty large balance issue in that it was basically impossible not to fill every
room. I took this to mean that the rents were too low, so I tried cranking them up but the UI is
really tedious for this. I got one of the small rooms up from $150 all the way to $400 before I got
bored and it still filled up. It seems like the best strategy if you were trying to win is just to
wait. But I still had fun reading all the info.

3 4 3

Nice pun, cool concept, decent use of graphics etc., production was pretty decent.

2 3 3

Looks good. I can't understand the rule.

4 3 3

I'm a sucker for tycoon-like games and I really like this one. I think there are a few big issues
though. The different kinds of monsters are not entirely clarified, which makes buying items
for them more difficult. There is no back button in the menu, which makes comparing items
difficult since you have to click around a lot. Other than that, its just a few things. I like the
designs of each of the monsters.

1 1 1 yes

MY PROBLEM: I cant install python 2 on my computer

3 3 3

Nice management game, but could have gain a lot by being a bit more polished.

3 3 5

The title for this entry is amazing, and earns you a 5 in innovation. I was not a fan of the
interface sometimes kicking you out, sometimes taking you to the previous screen. There's no
way to cancel a bulldoze without quitting. Once I got past around 50 floors the game became
unplayable during the season changes(?). But I could not build myself back to heaven ;_;

1 3 2

This game is a little slow and repetitive. I don't think I could really get into it enough to play
until I score $666,666. It's a lot of waiting for money to accumulate on a single screen. I've
never been much for real estate...