PyWeek - Tee-py19 - feedback

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3 4 5

I shot so many innocents :). Sorry about that. It's not an easy game. Really nice design and good
fit for the theme. It requires some patience to play though.

4 4 4

Excellent! Nice concept, good music, really neat prod. The last second shots make it pretty

4 3 4

Good game. The progressive difficulty is well done.

3 4 4

Very Impressed.

Nice idea to make a puzzle game. A very innovative variation.

3 4 4

I liked this a lot, I just wish there was some sense of progress when you completed a level. Also
what is the penalty for shooting civilians?

3 3 4

Not much to say, it is a nice game. Adding sounds to each actions (for example a shooting sound)
would have been perfect.

4 4 4

Great use of the theme and good puzzle concept.

4 4 5

Another Tee classic. Keep it up! Simple puzzle mechanic that's not quite like anything I've
ever seen before, with a great usage of theme, well executed and mind boggling. The one
additional thing I would have loved is if after the level, the facade of the building faded away
and you saw the layout of the rooms and which people were in which rooms together.

4 3 4

This is quite an interesting game idea. I liked the observation aspect and the fact that you had
to watch for a while to work out what kind of room each of the people were in. It reminded me of "Spy
Party". Nice game.

3 4 4

Well designed game, good production values. Challenging, really had to think, and then
eventually cheat. Fun and fairly simple concept.

2 2 3

It's somewhat of an interesting concept which is a variation on Minesweeper, but it gets
boring really fast. Visuals are also uninteresting, and I find the lack of sounds to be

Another thing that bothered me: the game distributes two proprietary fonts, and it depends on
one of them for getting the size of the text describing the target right. The libre font I
replaced it with was readable, but only just barely.

5 5 5

It is the best game I've played so far.

3 3 4

The sniper is in one room .... Liked it really enjoyable and also straightforward.

3 4 4

Really awesome gameplay i gets a little boring near the end but over all. Awesome Job!