Sundae Showdown

Sundae Showdown

Install and Run:

pip install pygame

Game Instructions:

This is a 2 player game - player 1 controls Covar (with Red shirt) and Player 2 controls Valor (with Blue shirt).

Covar Controls:
W - Move up
A - left
S - down
D - right
Space - Aim with the mouse and hit space to throw an ice cream cone. Each cone does 2 points of damage to Valor.

Valor Controls:
Arrow keys - Move left, right, up, down
Shift - Valor has auto aim for his spoons.  Hit shift to throw a spoon. Each spoon does 1 point of damage to Covar.

Aiming Mechanics:
Covar has to aim with his ice cream crosshair unlike Valor who has auto aim for his spoons.

Anti Camping Mechanics
When you are in the refill station you can not fire cones or spoons.

Player which loses all their hearts (health points) loses the game.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.8
Fun: 2.6
Production: 3.1
Innovation: 2.6

Respondents: 7


File Uploader Date
Sundae Showdown
smoktwix 2024/09/22 20:56
Sundae Showdown
smoktwix 2024/09/22 20:52