PyWeek - SINAA- Lunar Delivery - feedback

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It is a game.

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Simply a fun game. Adding some music or more art wouldn't hurt it though.

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as the diary entries say, the game just isn't that much fun because the rope dynamics don't really add anything in terms of gameplay. the thrusters are also underpowered. it reminded me of Lunar Lander, which is also a frustrating and not very fun game.

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Fun :)

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the main thruster is really powerfull but the side one are niot, so the game get kind of slow.

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nice twist on the ol' lander game.

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The concept of this game is fine. Gameplay is also ok, it's more of a game of navigating left or right (that can be challenging too), but sometimes long distances and the fact that changing directions is slow (if you're travelling at a high speed) makes me a bit impatient. I would have liked it more if it had some sort of goal, maybe something to do with your money or a target amount of money to pass a level. Graphics have room for improvement. The core of idea itself, moving packages using a rope, can lead to something fun (maybe involving slower situations, a smaller ship and more interesting obstacles) if maybe you had time to work more on it.

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<p>Fun! although a bit hard

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Not bad at all! I found the ship's momentum a bit excessive, but I like things to be easy ;)

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Pretty good game once you come to grips with the physics. The scale also feels a bit off but thats might just be my expectations, I had to adjust to firing the thrusters to stop way earlier than I expected. Overall really good as a game. Could use more work on the graphics though.

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Fun times, another rubber band game (seem to be popular this round) but quite fun nonetheless. Well done.

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It seems like all the packages are either pretty easy (like the first two) or next to impossible. Not much of a middle ground, so it was hard to get into. The controls seemed really unresponsive to me. I guess I'm not cut out to fly a spaceship.

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Too poor gameplay

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Fun Space Game. Finer controls would have added to the coolness factor.

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Nice! It could have been great a pause key!

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For some reason this made me nostalgic for Lunar Jet Man...

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Fun game! I enjoyed the mechanic of the game, and had a good time with it for a few tries. I really enjoyed the premise of the game -- it made me want it to be better, but not because I was disappointed so much as I wanted more of it. I wanted to be able to have more powerful lateral control over my ship -- decelerating takes soooo long. Either stronger default thrusters or a shopping interface to spend credits on upgrades would be /sweet/. I also found some of the long deliveries to be... well... long. Especially with fragile packages, some of the tight squeezes make it nearly impossible to complete some of the tougher packages, since a certain amount of damage is guaranteed. Issues aside, it was a *really* well done and creative game -- great job!

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The current control system dont work well for me, wich spoils the fun.
For me, it will be more enjoyable if:
when you press 'up' it will increase vertical thurst
when you release, thurst remains at las level reached.
Similar with lateral prop.
The game looks complete, and being a solo entry I think is a good achievement.

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The idea is good, but the ship is too hard to control.

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It seems nice but gets old rather quickly. And the controlling got frustrating.

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The game doesn't shine in any category but it isn't horrible either. Seems like you made the foundation for a nice little game that simply needs some polish (graphics, engine sounds) and features (buy upgrades for you ship?). Hey, this is not bad at all! :)

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Nice, but I always hated lunar lander :D Damned inertia!

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Nice rope physics

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Nice lander :)

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Nice physics.

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A cool twist on lunar lander and it works relatively well. Would've probably been even more fun if it would've been in a small confined area instead of a neverending tunnel, so you could've seen all the packages you had to deliver. Like this it was perhaps a bit too simple and "pointless" to continue playing.

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Briefly fun.

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too difficult for me :(

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This was an awesome game! The only thing i actually disliked were the controls. I felt kinda annoyed when trying to move my direction when in full speed. I know it was realistic but well, that's me :D

I loved the way i shifted to another "level". Or at least that's what i felt it was :P. I moved all the packages when suddenly there was one which had a distance of 23k or something. Then at the end there were new packages. That was cool!