PyWeek - Run! - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
2 3 2

I did like the font and the music.

1 1 1 yes

Stacktrace: ERROR: pygame.macosx import FAILED ERROR: pygame.macosx import FAILED Sep 29
19:56:20 computer.local Python[4869] : kCGErrorInvalidConnection:
CGSGetCurrentCursorLocation: Invalid connection Sep 29 19:56:20 computer.local
Python[4869] : kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as
they are logged. Sep 29 19:56:20 computer.local Python[4869] :
kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSGetCurrentCursorLocation: Invalid connection Sep 29
19:56:20 computer.local Python[4869] : kCGErrorInvalidConnection:
CGSNewWindowWithOpaqueShape: Invalid connection 2012-09-29 19:56:20.356
Python[4869:100b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Error (1002) creating CGSWindow on line
263' *** Call stack at first throw: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x98b74a67 __raiseError + 231 1
libobjc.A.dylib 0x99cca149 objc_exception_throw + 155 2 CoreFoundation 0x98adc289
+[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 137 3 CoreFoundation 0x98adc1f9 +[NSException
raise:format:] + 57 4 AppKit 0x92578f22 _NSCreateWindowWithOpaqueShape2 + 335 5 AppKit
0x924c11d5 -[NSWindow _commonAwake] + 2290 6 AppKit 0x924bfc80 -[NSWindow
_commonInitFrame:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 1772 7 AppKit 0x924beced -[NSWindow
_initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:] + 1054 8 AppKit 0x924be863
-[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 70 9 SDL 0x0043ad8f
SDL_SoftStretch + 28623 10 SDL 0x00439a5c SDL_SoftStretch + 23708 11 SDL 0x0042d3e7
SDL_SetVideoMode + 599 12 0x004daeb7 set_mode + 335 13 Python 0x000c1a90
PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 26576 14 Python 0x000c3e2c PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996 15 Python
0x000c3f77 PyEval_EvalCode + 87 16 Python 0x000e860c PyRun_FileExFlags + 172 17 Python
0x000e8974 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 596 18 Python 0x00100535 Py_Main + 3365 19 Python
0x00001f65 Python + 3941 ) [1] 4869 trace trap arch -i386 python Some mac+pygame

3 3 3

An interesting game. Very much.

2 3 2

Cute graphics and sounds. Idea is not very new.

4 2 1

It's quite a lot of fun in two-player mode! One person jumps, the other one shoots! I don't see
the relation to the theme and in general jumping and throwing stars have been done to death
already, thus the low innovation score.

2 3 2

Well done! Perhaps a little bit fast, it took me some time to get used to jump correctly.

3 2 3

Pretty simple gameplay but interesting trying to concentrate on jumping and shooting, one at
a time is easy but both is quite tricky

3 3 2

Did you level up/win the game at some score? Nice music.

3 3 2

A bit more control over character would be nice (mid-air movements or more predictable

5 4 1

This game is so addictive. I'll probably play it some more as soon as I finish rating it.

3 3 2

With the headband animation, this game is a bit cuter than other rooftop sprinting games I've

2 2 2

I have nothing to say.

3 3 2

Fun, but a little repetitive. The jumping physics could also be improved a little.

3 3 2

not an original idea, the game is too simple

2 2 2

The platforms come too fast to see when you need to jump, so I just kept dying. Same with the

2 2 2

I couldn't score at all. After dying half dozen time I found out that pressing space for longer
time you jump higher.