Rossum's Dance

Josef, the waiter robot at an upscale nightclub, dreams of dancing.


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Diary Entries

Core Gameplay

It's a dance game (curse you, Richard, for polluting my mind with all those dance videos! :-), so I originally thought about doing something DDR-style where you have to hit select characters at specific times, but that seems a mite too complex for this interval, given that I can only hack on it in my spare time and I work [i]long[/i] hours.

While hacking up Snake yesterday to show someone on GameDev how easily it could be implemented by treating the snake as a list of coordinate pairs on a grid, each of which adopts its predecessor's coordinates when the snake moves, I think I nailed down my core "dance" gameplay:

Josef dances by routing power within his body from an internal producer to a consumer, causing him to adopt a position for a brief moment. Doing this repeatedly causes him to "dance" in an interesting way, even though he was never programmed to.

Yes, that's a bit obscure, but if you can read between the lines, you should be able to figure out exactly what I plan to do...

Gotta get to work now!

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"I do this in my slumber, summer..."

I moved on Wednesday, so that whole day was lost. Nevertheless, I've been able to lay down core gameplay in the last day and a half, and I should be able to finish my game's implementation by tomorrow, leaving the graphical design elements before the deadline.

Screenshot goodness:

Oh, did I mention I have no internet at home until Friday, April 11? I've pulled out of PyWeek before, and I just made up my mind that I'm staying in this time, even if my final project isn't as polished as I'd like.

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Didn't finish, but content

I didn't finish my gameplay, let alone my graphics, but I'm still quite content. Given that I moved and all the other disturbances, I'm quite pleased that I found enough time to put together the basics of a game. I'll go ahead and continue to polish it up (I'm going to use it as an internal demo to a C-level exec at work next week), so being able to participate in PyWeek is pure gravy.

Thanks for running PyWeek Richard! I've pulled out before, so this time I stayed in to the end. I've been uninspired to code for a long time, so this also serves as a little boost pushing me toward recreational hacking again. :-)

See you all for PyWeek 7!

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