Robo Bake Gothenburg
Robo Bake Gothenburg

We're four students from Gothenburg, Sweden studying Python developement with a special focus on Artificial Inteligence. Our fifth member is our mascot, he likes pie(py)s, being generally cute, as well as world domination (just keep him well fed and he wont persue his ulterior motive).
This will be our first entry into PyWeek as well as game developement in general. We're all exited and curious to see what the theme is going to be. And to hopefully create something that is both fun and creative! (and if nothing some working runnable code)
Please cheer for in our struggle :D
GLHF everyone
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.3
Fun: 2.9
Production: 3.6
Innovation: 3.5
Respondents: 11
File | Uploader | Date |
— final
Executable File |
BKBender | 2023/04/02 11:00 |
— final
Printo: The Sweet Escape |
BKBender | 2023/04/01 21:04 |