Entity Crisis

We don't know who we are, or where we're going.


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Diary Entries

Repeat after me...

I will not try and write a MMOG.

I will not try and write a MMOG.

I will not try and write a MMOG.



OpenGL Game Lib

A few weeks ago, I uploaded a graphics / game lib to the cheeseshop.


It does OpenGL sprite stuff. It replaces my old SiGL lib, by attempting to be more focused, simple, and easy to learn. I'd like to improve the documentation somewhat, if anyone is willing to give QGL a go during pyweek, I'd appreciate feedback on any kind of extra documentation that might be useful, or is needed to get up and running.



New Game Lib for Pyweekers

I've just uploaded QGL-7 to the cheeseshop.


New features in this release:

* Light and Fog nodes
* Several howto.py files

What is QGL? QGL is a simple OpenGL scenegraph for Python. It lets you build a tree structure which represents the scene you wish to render, and render it using OpenGL.


Theme Baffilation

At first, I was a little baffled as to why all the themes had a common undertheme...

I even became a little disappointed...

However, having slept on the problem, I now have some good ideas, and I believe the theme choice was good. It has forced me to rethink my ideas, and come up with something new.

Gameward Ho!


QGL feature request

Cameron Blackwood requested a node class which rendered all its children using a display list, for performance reasons.

It was a good idea, so I implemented it for him. I modifed the QGL compiler to work with a new Static node.

The rest of you can get the updated modules from here:


Use these modules instead of the QGL-7B versions. It provides a Static node, which works like a group node, but draws all its children using a display list. Any problems let me know, I'll do my best to fix em in a timely manner...

You can recompile the node at anytime to update it with a new display list.

I am yet to even decide on a game concept for my entry... :(

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Physics suck

I spent most of the day wrestling with my physics code, only to realise late in the day that my coordinate calculations were not working properly.

I fix my screen->opengl coordinate function, wham, the physics stuff works. Hoorah.

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