PyWeek - Team TwoCans - feedback

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1 1 1 yes

Stacktrace: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 386, in
start_game() File "", line 360, in start_game
active_scene.process_input(events) File "", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line 189, in __init__
self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) + '.txt') File
"", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x] IndexError: string index out of

3 3 3

An interesting game. Very much.

1 2 1

I like the graphics, just needs an actual game to go with it. :)

1 2 1

I got to move a cowboy around a very sparse map very slowly and to click at bandits after pressing
T. Better luck next time!

1 1 1 yes

Not working for me on linux mint 64bits: Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 386, in start_game() File "", line 360, in start_game
active_scene.process_input(events) File "", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line 189, in __init__
self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) + '.txt') File
"", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x] IndexError: string index out of

2 1 1 yes

there is a lack of maps ~\Pyweek 15> Traceback (most recent call last): File "
~\Pyweek 15\West", line 386, in start_game() File " ~\Pyweek 15\West", line
361, in start_game active_scene.update() File " ~\Pyweek 15\West", line 307, in
update self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.row) + '_' + str(self.col) + '.txt' ) File
" ~\Pyweek 15\West", line 215, in initialize contents = read_file(file) File "
~\Pyweek 15\West", line 21, in read_file new_file = open(path, 'rt') IOError: [Errno
2] No such file or directory: 'maps\\level_10_6.txt' OR ~\Pyweek 15> Traceback
(most recent call last): File " ~\Pyweek 15\West", line 386, in start_game() File "
~\Pyweek 15\West", line 361, in start_game active_scene.update() File " ~\Pyweek
15\West", line 299, in update self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.row) + '_' +
str(self.col) + '.txt' ) File " ~\West", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x]
IndexError: string index out of range

1 1 1 yes

Tried to run on Mac OS, python 2.7. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line
388, in start_game() File "", line 362, in start_game
active_scene.process_input(events) File "", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line 189, in __init__
self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) + '.txt') File
"", line 226, in initialize char = lines[y][x] Tried to fix it, but got empty map
with no one to shoot at. And that's bad, because game could be nice :(

1 1 1 yes

Sorry, it's crashing for me loading the first level, and you don't have a diary entry so I can't
ask for help. Here's the traceback: File "", line 386, in start_game() File
"", line 360, in start_game active_scene.process_input(events) File
"", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line
189, in __init__ self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) +
'.txt') File "", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x] IndexError: string
index out of range I'm on Ubuntu if it makes a difference.

2 2 1

Yeah, basically what it says in the description. It's not finished, crashes when you go off
some of the maps, etc. Shooting bandits is cool though.

1 2 1

Unfortunately looks unfinished, since readme says you may shot to enemies, but I was not able
to find any enemy or gun. You missed also some level file in the map folder since the game crashes
looking for not existing files.

1 1 1 yes

Ubuntu 11.10, Python 2.7.2: ~/Programs/games/PyWeek-15-finals/Pyweek_Game/Pyweek 15>
python ["pygame window" shows up, entirely black, for about 3 seconds, leaving this
traceback:] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 34, in main() File
"", line 16, in main maps[str(infile)] = pygame.image.load(infile) pygame.error:
Couldn't open level_6_2.txt ~/Programs/games/PyWeek-15-finals/Pyweek_Game/Pyweek
15> python ["pygame window" shows up with a "Slinger's Shadow" image, flashing
"Press enter to begin". When I press Enter, it disappears, leaving this traceback:]
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 386, in start_game() File
"", line 360, in start_game active_scene.process_input(events) File
"", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line
189, in __init__ self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) +
'.txt') File "", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x] IndexError: string
index out of range

1 1 1 yes

Menu screen appears, "press enter", and... Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 386, in start_game() File "", line 360, in start_game
active_scene.process_input(events) File "", line 142, in process_input = PlayScene() File "", line 189, in __init__
self.initialize('maps/level_' + str(self.col) + '_' + str(self.row) + '.txt') File
"", line 224, in initialize char = lines[y][x] IndexError: string index out of

2 2 2

The concept seems quite original, but it isn't developed far enough.

1 1 1 yes

I think it is bad archives. First it did not find any images. I've created images folder and
moved all png in here. Than it did not find any maps. I've did the same. Than it throws another
error I've give up. Sorry...