PyWeek - Lance - feedback

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A bit short ;)

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I'm pretty sure you did not make the cobblestone and redstone textures. Why not make something
on your own?

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Haha, interesting little set up you put together here. I see the potential for a lot of cool
stuff in this.

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A bit light on gameplay.

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So a bow, a crystal and a rock can solve a rubik's cube... Am I missing something?

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I had no idea what I was doing but managed to win the game in 3 clicks. I think.

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Didn't even run without changing file names (capitalization). How is it even related to the
theme? What is the game? Is it even a game?

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This entry only ran after I fixed the name of "Menu.jpg". Please remember that case
sensitivity is different across operating systems. Additionally, please remember to
enclose your files in a directory before adding them to an archive.

><br >This game ran well, but I didn't really understand what I was doing. is there only one way
to beat the game?

><br >The wand should have at least made fireworks at the end.

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It's a pretty simple game, three clicks and then done ... Bow+stone+crystal = solved rubix
cube? Not really a game, more just like a demo of some things you can do in pygame.

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Well, it's a bit incomprehensible, but it's really cool that you entered! I hope to see more
entries from you in the future.

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As distributed, I wasn't able to run this game. It searched for a file called "menu.jpg", but
there wasn't a file with this name. Instead, there was a file called "Menu.jpg". On most
Unix-like filesystems (including ext4, the one I use), these are two completely different
files. I fixed this error by renaming Menu.jpg to "menu.jpg".

After running the fixed game, all I can say is... huh? What is this? I don't see any connection to
the "one room" theme, but more importantly, how is this even a game? It's just clicking on some
objects in a particular order, which puts them in a predefined position, and then a Rubick's
cube goes behind the objects, some sound plays, and the game ends.

I don't get it. Is this some kind of joke or prank?

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I had problems to run it because of the image "Menu.jpg" which is refered as "menu.jpg" in the
code. On Windows, the file names are case insensitives, but this is not the case on Linux. And
for the game, well... I did not understand what to do but I won :-). My guess is that you must build
merge components to build something, but I don't really know more than that.