This screenshot is of the final Game!!!!

Pi Wizard

Im going solo.


Compatibily Check
Presented by grummi

WTF did I just play?
Presented by grummi

Rar Bomb
Presented by assertivist

World's Easiest Puzzle
Presented by vxgmichel

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 1.6
Fun: 1.5
Production: 1.5
Innovation: 1.8

1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 13


File Uploader Date
This screenshot is of the final Game!!!!
supersammy00 2014/10/12 22:30
pi wizard.rarfinal
The Game
supersammy00 2014/10/12 22:27
Test Program
supersammy00 2014/10/05 18:39

Diary Entries

Learning The Basics

I am very new to python but i have been programming in c++ and java for a couple years. So when i wanted to learn python i thought of the python comp i heard about and i decided to try it.

So i started the comp not knowing how to do any of the game aspects but i know the basics of python. And when the comp started i started learning about PyGame and how it was made with SDL(I have used SDL in C++ before). So then i started testing and i made a really basic program and here is a screen shot of it.

And that is where i am right now. I'm not sure what the game will be but i will and another diary when i figure it out.

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