PyWeek - Meaningful Flailings - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
4 3 5

I'm a big fan of minimalistic ideas and I thought this was great! This was a short one but I can see
a lot of potential in this idea. Even though it wasn't hard to beat it, I played it a few more times
because I really liked it. Music and theme fits pretty well, too. Great work!

3 2 3

Good use of the theme.

3 2 4

At last! A god game for stats nerds! I enjoyed rooting for the green line to go up. Presentation
was a little too simple - the details in the INSTRUCTIONS would be better in-game, for example.

1 1 1 yes

can not extract tar.gz from windows

2 2 4

Simple yet cool idea for a good matching to the theme. I found it a bit too hard though,
definitely couldn’t win, and didn’t like that you could get hammered based on random chance,
even when making seemingly good decisions.

3 3 4

Well-balanced game.

2 4 3

nice idea for the theme

2 2 3

Interesting idea, but it feels the final success is more defined by luck than by strategy

3 2 3

Pretty interesting. I really like that you keep all the old history on the plot, so I could look
back and think about the whole story of my population. Ultimately it felt like I was controlled
more by randomness than by my own strategy, but I did have some luck just going for as much food as

2 3 4

I thought this was interesting, not too much of a game, but an interesting endeavor into choice
based simulation and fairly intuitive which was good