PyWeek - Nuclear Soda 5 - feedback

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1 1 1 yes

You should pack your library in! In any case, I couldn't play it because your required
resolution is too large. :(

1 1 1 yes

I'm sorry, I couldn't get pygame for python3 working. I will give it another shot and come back
to this entry if I have time!

2 3 3

Way too difficult to be much fun. The cactus monsters were just too damn fast to escape from.

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That's some rejection, to be the monster that is beat up by the other monsters.

2 2 3

Had to edit the code to make it not fullscreen -- having this as a default makes the game almost
unplayable on multiple monitors.

1 1 1 yes

Had to convert all png files to bmp and update code and tmx file to avoid pygame errors in loading
images (running on osx). Fullscreen straight up crashed my computer while it was running on a
dual screen display, then had trouble running it on a single display, game loads to a black
screen, any button press quits? Sorry, had to conclude it was broken at this point.

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I'm not sure this was really working properly on my dual monitor setup. I couldn't see how to
progress very far. The physics were a bit too slow and floaty to be fun as well. Looks like there
could be a good idea in here but unfortunately I wasn't able to see too much of it!

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no sound, seemed incomplete or I'm not very good at such games (too hard for me).

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Interesting idea, but the game isn't enjoyable as there's little opportunity to accomplish

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Losing strategy: Enter room, get hammered by enemy, die. Winning strategy: Um...

1 1 1 yes

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\Mind\", line 457 def
__init__(self, Map, description='Unknown', *points, quiet=False): ^ SyntaxError:
invalid syntax

3 3 3

The author use Mind, I am not familiar with it. the game is easy to play, however, feel a little