PyWeek - jggatc - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
2 3 3

This has the potential to be a pretty good game, but it has some design issues. I had no idea what
my goal was and what I was doing. It took me a while to guess what each of the tiny bars meant and I'm
still not sure about them. This kind of took the fun out of the game for me. Remember, what's
obvious for developer is often not obvious for the player. Give them clear goals, make sure
they know what's going on in the game (e.g. increase the size of the bars). Of course, these are
just my two cents. But I can see that a bunch of features went into the game, and I do like the
concept. Nice work!

3 3 3

Nice graphics, I liked the sounds. Gameplay is ok!

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I'm still not totally sure I was doing what I was supposed to.

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Never quite figured out how this works. It was really hard to actually hit the red bots. Felt
like I was just randomly moving and shooting, hoping that I'd guess right about how they'd

1 1 1 yes

File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pygame/", line 422, in
initsysfonts_darwin _search_osx_font_paths(fonts) UnboundLocalError: local variable
'fonts' referenced before assignment

3 2 4

This was an interesting concept, but it was lacking in execution. Control of the character
felt a little weird and the sounds got monotonous. Also some kind of variation in the playing
field, or enemies, would help this game out.

3 3 2

sound, graphics, playble, some more detailed instructions how to play would have been

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Fun sort of shoot em up game, couldn’t really figure out what I was supposed to do other than fend
off red bots, collect shield recharge. System failed a couple of times, not sure if I stayed in
the game long I could “win” or not?

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movement was way too slow, screen was way too busy, not enough time to do much of anything.

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A fun little game although I think a was playing it wrong for quite a bit! It felt like I should
shoot everything in sight but then I eventually started to think that maybe I should be letting
the green things get to the bottom. I liked the interplay between the green and red things. Nice

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Some more detailed instructions would have helped this game a lot. As it stands, figuring out
what is going on is really confusing. Overall, there's some nice ideas here that could have
been executed better.

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I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing in this. You have instructions for how do do
stuff, but nothing on when you would want to do it or even what exactly you are doing. Also, the
game seems to end with no warning. What is this game?

4 3 3

The game is fun to play. The grid movement makes it more challenging and fun.