Screenshot of final game


You are a scientist researching on primates in a jungle. You want to train those primates so that they could evolve into humans faster. The basis of training is you throw bananas at them. Just throw bananas to the primate and once he has 5 bananas you have trained him. Use z/x or left arrow / right arrow to throw bananas. have fun!


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.1
Fun: 1.9
Production: 2.4
Innovation: 2

7% respondents marked the game as not working.
1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 13


File Uploader Date
Nanho Games Presents Kurangu !
phoe6 2012/05/14 04:49
Screenshot of final game
phoe6 2012/05/14 04:32

Diary Entries

Started Exploring the libraries

It looks like pygame will not play well with virtualenv. First time tried kivy and the installation went fine.
Troubles with Ubuntu Graphics dealing with Couldn't find matching GLX visual error when I tried to launch some kivy example applications.

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Settled on the game on the final day just 15 hours before the contest finish time.
Anyways it is going to my best attempt to complete this for this pyweek.

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I might take a little extra day meant for packaging

To finish the game, package it and upload it. Bad on me that I miscalculated and could not finish today.

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Final Submission Done!

Final Submission Done. :-)

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