PyWeek - YannThor - feedback

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1 1 1 yes

Game crashed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 135, in File
line 150, in play self.react_to_all_events() File
line 21, in react_to_all_events self.treatement(event) File
line 131, in treatement self.react(event) File
line 116, in react element.react(event) File
line 286, in react reaction._try_activation(event) File
line 54, in _try_activation self.reac_func(**self.params) File
"/home/confluence/Downloads/PyWeek22/Torus_pyweek22/", line 792, in
reac_time self.falls.refresh() File
"/home/confluence/Downloads/PyWeek22/Torus_pyweek22/", line 182, in refresh
self.dropsx +=[0]*(0.4*(1.+random.random()))
TypeError: Cannot cast ufunc add output from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') with
casting rule 'same_kind'

1 1 1 yes

Sorry, I haven't gotten pygame to work with python 3 yet. I really want to check it out, though.
I'll come back if I have the time!

3 5 4

This is a game that I really wanted to like because it's a really cool idea. It's also very well
polished and implemented, with the weather conditions, the land generation, and
everything. I can see that a lot of work was put into it. But the wreckage is so far away! I wasn't
able to get to it, and I didn't know what to do with the flags either. Maybe I'm too impatient, but
I couldn't find it as fun as I was hoping, given the idea. Maybe if the action was a bit quicker, I
would have enjoyed it more. But I definitely appreciate the polish in this!

3 4 4

my time was limited to try it out, so I just played a few minutes, it seems a promising game but it
will take some time to complete, well done

3 3 3

The world map came out really nice. Unfortunately, I could only make it so far before the game
would crash.

1 1 1 yes

Tried on OS X: python3 Ran opening menu, but exited regardless of choice.
pygame.error: Event queue full

2 2 2

At first couldn’t get it to run, couldn’t get past first menu, quits with Event queue full
errors (osx, python 2.7.3, pygame 1.9.2). Then got running in python 3.5, pygame 1.9.2 but
crashes constantly while sailing with error: File Torus_pyweek22/, line 182, in
refresh, self.dropsx +=[0]*(0.4*(1.+random.random())),
TypeError: Cannot cast ufunc add output from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') with
casting rule 'same_kind'. A shame because it seemed like this game would be cool.

2 4 5

The procedural generation is very cool and the land masses look very good. The overall
graphical presentation looks really good. I'm not sure exactly how the game is supposed to be
played. I mostly got crashes when I went for more than a few minutes. I guess you have to find food
to survive. However, it isn't really clear how the choices you make early on are affecting
that. Seems like there is a very neat idea here if you can get the gameplay working!

4 4 4

Nice project. ThorPy has come along nicely.

There was a timing bug. My party was inland, and winter started. My ship was caught in the ice!
And then the message warned me that winter would start in 5 days, and to move my ship out so it is
not caught in the ice. :D :D

Fun. I did not get to finish. For the sake of time I must move on. But I intend to come back and
finish later to see how it ends.

3 4 4

The game is quite pretty, and the topology is interesting, but the gameplay just isn't
particularly deep or engaging.

4 4 4

it cost me a lot of time to understand the rule, anyhow, it is a fun game, the author must spend
many thought on it! great work!

1 1 1 yes

I couldn't get numpy to behave. from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval2d
ImportError: cannot import name polyval2d

1 1 1 yes

OSError: unable to read font file '/Library/Fonts/Verdana.ttf'. MacOSX 10.6. Mysterious,
the file exists and is openable with FontBook, don't know why pygame doesn't like it.

4 5 3

Production was simply amazing, pretty original idea. Winters sucked, but that's part of the
game. Music was exceptional. Simple, clean, and fun to play.

3 5 4

incredible production