PyWeek - If at first I don't succeed - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
1 1 1 yes

Grey screen after startup

1 1 1 yes

Can't find all of the dependencies for this game. Is 'direct' DirectPython 11?

1 1 1 yes

Y:\PyWeek-Finals\PyWeek-16-finals\Paths of Rhamnous\Paths of Rhamnous>
Traceback (most recent call last): File "Y:\PyWeek-Finals\PyWeek-16-finals\Paths of
Rhamnous\Paths of Rhamnous\", line 1, in import direct.directbase.DirectStart
ImportError: No module named direct.directbase.DirectStart
Y:\PyWeek-Finals\PyWeek-16-finals\Paths of Rhamnous\Paths of Rhamnous> Panda3D is a
hassle to install (on win at least) no readme.txt !!

1 1 1 yes

Sorry, I had a lot of trouble getting Panda3D to work. Hopefully I'll have time to try this

2 3 2

Not bad in concept, but a little too easy. And a little unsatisfying to win. It would almost make
sense to have the number of player balls increase rather than the number of nemesis balls. It
would be more of a challenge to get rid of one ball while protected ten others.

1 3 4

Interesting, if awkward and buggy, control mechanic.

Gameplay is decidely lacking.

3 2 4

I liked the interesting idea, and it was fun to play. It definitely needs more content and more
polish to be considered a complete game, though.

2 2 3

I think it's a good idea, but because of the balls falling through the walls all the time, I
couldn't really enjoy it. But keep up making games!

3 3 2

Enjoyable for a short while but not very deep gameplay. Smooth graphics; possibly the full
power and giant inconvenient download of Panda3D was a little under-used.

2 2 2

I got a confused because there wasn't any feedback when the yellow balls went out of the maze,
they just respawned. Also the controls were quite frustrating because the window didn't
capture the mouse.

2 2 2


3 3 3

I was happy to see yet another entry using Panda3D as the library being used. There wasn't
anything particularly groundbreaking about the mechanic though it was fun nonetheless.
Unfortunately the balls "wandering" through walls happened to me more than sometimes, it was
a bit of a game breaking bug. Otherwise well done!