PyWeek - THWGSIGWAS - feedback

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3 4 4

I like the concept.

2 2 3

Couldn't quite get into it but interesting concept. Many thanks!

2 2 4

Make sure you stop your music on the game over screen. Duplicated looping music is annoying.

3 3 4

Interesting concept. Sometimes it's hard to make the cyclists avoid the police, particularly when they show up near the police. Maybe the police should stay still for a while first and then go? The difficulty of the game depends too much on where everyone starts, which is random. Maybe handmade levels would be better than random, which would both allow the designer to guarantee there's a solution and create interesting puzzles (ie, police is near cyclist and you have to figure out how to lead him to safety before you can get it). Also, I think the game shouldn't go back to the beginning when you lose. Let the player try another strategy. Despite these issues, I liked this game, especially its idea, and I think it has potential to be even better.

3 3 2

The arrow placement didn't work for me.

1 3 3

I tried several times, and never got the game to do anything useful.

2 3 3

Couldn't get guide arrow placement to work. Riding around edge effective but unexciting.

2 3 3

Unable to get the guide arrows working, which made the game a bit too random to be fun.

2 3 3

Police needs some AI to catch you also when you move around on the road on the border of the screen.

1 1 1 yes

Got the following exception on Ubuntu:
pyglet.resource.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource "data/easy_run.mp3" was not found on the path. Ensure that the filename has the correct captialisation.

2 2 4

Music was very stuttery and couldn't place arrows as the readme says one should be able to.

1 1 1 yes

a window pops up for a split second, but instantly closes again. no error is given.

2 2 2

Hard to get enthused about this game. Fixed markers seem to be of little use when the action starts.

2 3 3

A bit hard to figure out how to play, but mildly entertaining for a while after that. Too hard to control, even once I figured out who my guy actually was.

3 3 3 yes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
import main
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek11/entries/src/", line 34, in <module>
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek11/entries/src/scenes/", line 19, in goto_homescreen
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek11/entries/src/scenes/home/", line 19, in __init__
media ='data/easy_run.mp3', streaming=False)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/", line 581, in media
raise ResourceNotFoundException(name)
pyglet.resource.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource "data/easy_run.mp3" was not found on the path. Ensure that the filename has the correct captialisation.

2 1 2

First off, each unattributed piece of music is quite annoying on its own but the game keeps
playing both of them together for a really jarring musical experience (it accompanies the
spelling and grammar of the text well though). The basic game idea can be discerned even though
it's hidden behind unintuitive and unresponsive controls. It's an interesting idea and I
like the two-phase approach and laying down a path for your team but the idea is not sold by this
game. Also your game is not called "src", please don't name the directory in the zip "src.

3 2 4

A quiet nice and innovative idea. The music somehow looped incorrectly (e.g. afterr I lost the first level the music of the level was still there and when I started a new game I had the same music twice - canon like ;) ).

4 3 4

Funny and innovative.

3 3 4

I liked it. Nice little game.

2 2 3


3 2 4

Interesting game, the music was after few games very mixed...

3 3 3 yes

Resource "data/easy_run.mp3" was not found on the path.