PyWeek - Hackers 8-bit - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
4 3 4

Great intro text, and fun game play. tied in really nice to the theme and the idea seemed very

3 3 4

Nice puzzle.

2 2 3

i liked the concept, sadly does not look like a complete and fun game

3 3 3

Not very much challenge when I realised that you can generally just toggle the dip-switches
corresponding to the light that are red regardless of the logic gates in use.

3 4 4

The game is promising, but the puzzles are a bit on the simplistic side.

The sideline story is quite amusing.

2 4 4

I really like the feel and the storyline. I like the idea of the puzzles but they all seemed way
too easy. I didn't even look at the logic gates, I just toggled switches one by one until each
thing was green individually.

3 4 4

The graphics were nice, but it was difficult to tell the pins on the chips apart because they
were so small. I also never quite figured out the logic of the puzzles; I just ended up toggling
the bits in the appropriate positions until the lights came on -- there was no penalty for a
brute force search, and a limited number of possibilities.

4 5 4

I LOVED this entry. Mostly because of the futuristic space jock writing. I eat that stuff up. I
wasn't able to finish it until I applied the patches you posted after the contest had ended. I
had a lot of times where I wanted to release patches after I put out our final build and I just had
to call it done, bugs and all. So that's a little disappointing. But this entry was cool, and
directly implemented the theme to the most literal extent. Would have loved to see some
pictures of the things happening in the writing.

2 3 3

This is fairly complete, and has a great story to go with it. I want to like it. Sadly, it is badly
let down by the gameplay. Flipping bits on the last input, by inspecting the output bits is the
trivial solution, every time. There needs to be more complexity in the circuit layout, to make
the player need to interpret and follow the binary logic.

3 3 4

(I had to fix the "on_click" issue) Good background music selection. I loved the story and the
game mechanics have potential. The levels were a little bit too simple. At the end it was just
matter of switching bits until it worked. I miss a time constraint and perhaps some kind of
penalty for making mistakes. With some extra work on the menu/UI and the levels it could be a
very appealing game. Well done, I enjoyed playing your game!

2 2 3


1 1 1 yes

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\",
line 40, in run_optimized() File "C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\", line 37,
in run_optimized main.main() File "C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\",
line 80, in main alpha = lock_stepper.update(dt,
timestep_seconds=settings.SIM_TIME_STEP) File
"C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\pyknicpygame\pyknic\", line 187, in
update, timestep_seconds, self._sim_time) File
"C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\pyknicpygame\pyknic\", line 190, in
_fire_normal if observer(*args, **kwargs): File
"C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\", line 69, in
lock_stepper.event_integrate.add(lambda ls, dt, simt: context_top().think(dt) if
context_top() else None) File "C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\",
line 309, in think self._handle_events() File
"C:\games\pygam18\hackers8bit\gamelib\", line 297, in _handle_events
self.sprite.on_click() AttributeError: 'WireSprite' object has no attribute 'on_click'

4 3 3

On the mac: The menu worked and everything appeared to be going smoothly, but just past the
intro when I try to make my first move, I get an attribute error: 'Sprite' object has no
attribute 'on_click'. On Windows: This was a pretty darn cute game! The dialogue was great and
the gameplay was pretty fun - wish there was more time for you to have come up with some more
complicated puzzles. Nice work.

4 3 3

Great story. I particularly like the ending.

The game crashed a few times when I clicked in the wrong place, but that was easily resolved by
adding a check around the offending method call.

I was unable to determine any relation between the various ICs and the bit patterns required,
but it was easy enough to toggle switches until the lights went green.

3 4 4

I think there is some logic problem, i didn't find any difficult to solve the puzzle, simply
sometimes the switch were in the opposite order but i never had to combine two kind of switches
together. :/

2 3 4

Music choice was perfectly suited to the gameplay. Unfortunately, there were definitely
problems with the intuitiveness of the game mechanics, and with the interestingness of the
challenge presented.

2 4 4

Not so funny but for sure you hit the theme. AttributeError: 'Sprite' object has no attribute
'on_click' when you click on sprites (e.g. chips or wires) not supposed to be clicked

4 3 5

I enjoyed the concept very much. Unfortunately the game would crash occasionally if I clicked
the wrong spot on the screen, so I was unable to finish it. But what I played was awesome.

1 1 1 yes

Clicked on screen metulburr@ubuntu ~/Downloads/hackers8bit $ python
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 40, in run_optimized() File
"", line 37, in run_optimized main.main() File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 80, in main alpha =
lock_stepper.update(dt, timestep_seconds=settings.SIM_TIME_STEP) File
line 187, in update, timestep_seconds, self._sim_time)
line 190, in _fire_normal if observer(*args, **kwargs): File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 69, in
lock_stepper.event_integrate.add(lambda ls, dt, simt: context_top().think(dt) if
context_top() else None) File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 309, in think
self._handle_events() File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 297, in
_handle_events self.sprite.on_click() AttributeError: 'Sprite' object has no attribute
'on_click' metulburr@ubuntu ~/Downloads/hackers8bit $ python Traceback
(most recent call last): File "", line 40, in run_optimized() File
"", line 37, in run_optimized main.main() File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 80, in main alpha =
lock_stepper.update(dt, timestep_seconds=settings.SIM_TIME_STEP) File
line 187, in update, timestep_seconds, self._sim_time)
line 190, in _fire_normal if observer(*args, **kwargs): File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 69, in
lock_stepper.event_integrate.add(lambda ls, dt, simt: context_top().think(dt) if
context_top() else None) File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 309, in think
self._handle_events() File
"/home/metulburr/Downloads/hackers8bit/gamelib/", line 297, in
_handle_events self.sprite.on_click() AttributeError: 'WireSprite' object has no
attribute 'on_click' metulburr@ubuntu ~/Downloads/hackers8bit $