PyWeek - Forked Tail - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
1 1 1 yes

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in from import App File
"C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 327, in from kivy.uix.widget import
Widget File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\uix\", line 219, in from import ( File
"C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\graphics\", line 89, in from import Callback, Canvas, CanvasBase, \ ImportError: DLL load
failed: The specified module could not be found.

2 2 4

no sound, kivy was trouble, only exe worked on win7:
....\Python276\lib\site-packages\kivy\graphics\", line 89, in from import Callback, Canvas, CanvasBase, \ ImportError: DLL load
failed: The specified module could not be found.

1 1 1 yes

Window appears garbled.

3 3 4

I only know kivy to write app, you really amaze me! the picture is good! I will learn kivy from now

1 3 3

Well kivy will not install on Manjaro Linux, but the Windows exe works well through Wine.\n \n
It not playable on a desktop, I crashed into basically everything due to being unable to click
the designed-for-touch buttons fast enough but somehow won anyway!? \n \n Could work on
phones/tablets, but it's not fun as a desktop game.

2 3 3

Control system is really odd, and the random choice of movement is annoying.

2 4 3

It looks nice, but the control scheme makes me wanna scream

3 4 4

Interesting game, great hand drawn artwork. Immediately obvious what to do.

3 4 3

The graphics are very nice, very well stylized and congruent, pity about the lack of audio. The
controls just felt very unresponsive. Half the time I thought I clicked the button wouldn't
dissapear and the lion wouldn't move. Also, the game consistently crashed when it tried to
play again after a death: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute

1 1 1 yes

I have OpenGL 1.1 and game requires OpenGL 2.0 so I couldn't play the game.

2 3 3

The use of the theme was a it thin, and the badges control seems more frustrating than fun. The
games sometimes wins itself without doing much

2 4 3

A cute concept (though I'm not convinced by the fit with the theme!) I liked the artwork and
general feel. It was too easy - a little work on the play balance on the final day would have
improved the fun a good deal. It was robust - I didn't notice any bugs (except minor things like
the fact that the "you win" screen also disappears on a click, or the tendency for the obstacles
to look as if they are flying) A bug-free working game is a victory!

2 3 3

An unusual interpretation of the theme, but the gameplay perspective is rather odd. Clicking
buttons to control the lion isn't as fun as controlling the lion itself, in my opinion. The
graphics are alright, though.

2 2 1

Controls didn't work properly for me for some reason.