Movement and a basic level - behind but still fighting

DarkVoid Productions

A team effort consisting of Darky and his good friend Vizor. First pyweek for us so we'll just do our best!


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Movement and a basic level - behind but still fighting
Darky 2007/04/04 20:28

Diary Entries

Zombie Hunter - A warmup game

A little game we made for the pyweek warmup week. The game isn't finished yet and is lacking balance, but is otherwise playable.
Dependencies: python 2.4+, pygame 1.7+
We would appreciate if you report any errors, bugs and any other problem you encounter with the game. Thank you for testing!!

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End of Day 2 - A little late in the compo

We have been running a little late in the competition, though hopefully it won't matter that much. Anyways we have decided on an idea ([sarcasm] remarkable, isn't it? [/sarcasm]) which is basically a dwarf that is trying to literally digg his way out of a cave (a rather large cave). We've also thought of having some enemies in the game, for now though the only enemies that are being planned for are goblins.
So far we got the basic gameplay elements, which includes:
  • The player can move around and "digg" (basically he's just making things disappear)
  • The map is loaded and drawn
  • The goblin class almost complete (though it has not yet been tested/added)
  • You can bump into hard rock
    I'll see if I can get up a screenshot later.
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    Day 4 - time is moving fast

    It's allready day 4 and we haven't made much progress and it is getting late so let me sum up what has happened the last 2 days.
    Day 3:
  • I thought it would be a nice idea having a scrolling landscape (bad idea)
  • I realised I didn't know arse about implementing a scrolling landscape
  • After 3 hours of fruitless attempts at implementing a scrolling landscape I give up and save it for the next day (bad idea again)
    Day 4:
  • I start by thinking of my different alternatives of how to get a scrolling landscape up
  • I start by trying with phil's pygame utilities (pgu)
  • After another 2-3 hours of fruitless attempts I give up the idea and realise I've just wasted 2 days on nothing while I could have been working on more essential parts of the game (eg. like the dwarf class)
    So now we're going for a big map and many levels. So far I've got the map part up and it's working nicely.
    Hopefully the remaining 2-3 days (depending on how you see it and where you live) will be better spent.
    ohh, and I've uploaded a screenshot of the game (it's not great, but heeey, I did it in the middle of the night and I was tired and should probably have sleept!). I wonder how you guys take such good screen shots..
    Anywas enough with my ramblings, it's time to go to bed...

    Withdrawing - not defeated

    Okay, after several major drawbacks and a complete freak out from the teams artist I, as the team leader, has decided that it's time to withdraw.
    But we will be back for pyweek 5 and by then our game creation skills will be sooooo much better.
    So yeah, we won't add a final entry.