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Theme re-planning

Was kinda banking on the "Everything Goes to Hell" theme, for a 3D helicopter rescue type game.  But given the "Mad Science" theme I think that would be quite a lame stretch to try to make.

So new idea is a 2D puzzle game with a molecule-matching gameplay mechanic: various molecules are piece types that can be moved around the level (basically a backgrounded/themed 2D board) according to certain movement constraints (either intrinsic to that molecule type, or externally dependent on level geometry and/or other nearby molecules.)  The objective of each level is to clear all molecules from the board within a limited time or number of moves.

The plot is that you are thwarting a mad scientist's evil plans at the chemical reaction level.  Example levels: stopping a nuclear fission reaction in a bomb or sabotaged reactor from going critical, neutralizing a poison/toxin, matter vs antimatter in a particle accelerator, etc

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Slow going with the Kivy framework, but probably still better than trying to learn Blender game engine!
Went through all the docs/tutorials/demos, and still getting the hang of the event system and how to interact with the whole widget/canvas thing.  I'm having more success reading through the Deflectouch code to see how a "real" game is done in Kivy.


DNF my life (postmortem)

Nowhere near enough time this week - between work, and BOTH of my home computers crapping out on me - I probable only spent 5 or so hours.

Most of that was wrestling with the Kivy framework rather than actually making a game.  Mistake.  I do intend to still make this game, but it will be in pure Pygame rather than Kivy.

To say I was disappointed by Kivy would be an understatement.  The only potential advantage would be the ability to run a Pygame game on Android, but even a simple Hello World app was force-closing, so there goes that.  There's lots of API documentation, but very little to tie it all together.  Similarly, all the examples are extremely limited to the scope of doing one specific thing - nothing on how to put it all together.  The one main Kivy game "in the wild" is Deflectouch.  I was hoping that would be the holy grail example I was looking for.  However, it was written for a contest, not necessarily to be a good example of coding - so it really wasn't the help I had hoped it would be.