PyWeek - CampInvisible - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
3 3 2


3 4 4

Quite fun! Nice graphics, musics and sounds. I liked being able to continue fishing even after game over, made it much less high score oriented and more relaxing instead. :)

3 4 3

Neat and simple game. String physics above water feels nice. In terms of gameplay, I see no
point in casting the string farther away (which requires significantly more effort than
simply clicking). I suppose the point of that is to aim, but you can aim more precisely if you
just drop the hook, since every fish equally crosses the whole screen (actually, it has been a
bit useful for dodging the eel, but that's it). Anyway, that's just a nitpick. The graphics are
quite good (especially the ship) and the sounds add nicely to the game. This game is nice for
some quick fun. Nice work.

2 3 1

Fun to look at but boring to play.

2 3 3

Nice graphics and music... gameplay could be improved

4 5 4

Nice work all around. The casting takes a few minutes to figure out but after that it works perfectly. Although once the line is out, I can click to reel it in instantly :-)

4 4 3

Not bad at all! With the music it feels like the game could stand to be a little more mad-cap, but I don't know how exactly.

4 4 3

Ha, I love fishing games. So unlike real fishing. It's not the length of the piece of string that matters, it's how you use it. Good job.

3 3 3

I liked the casting and reeling mechanisms, but it would have been nice if I could cast further. Good entry.

3 4 3

A nice, consistent look; pleasant music and sound effects. Hooking the 10 point fish was fun :)

3 3 2

nice music, fun game. the game ends and you keep playing forever. fun to try to throw the hook far away.

3 4 3

Nice game!

3 3 2

simple but funny

3 3 2

I felt the need to move my boat, and thought the mouse controls could have been better. Graphics and animation is top-notch though, and the physics actually seem to work rather well.

1 1 1 yes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>
import main
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 10, in <module>
import game
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 3, in <module>
import background
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 6, in <module>
import trawler
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 5, in <module>
import debris
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 73, in <module>
class DebrisSprite(pyglet.sprite.Sprite):
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 110, in DebrisSprite
File "/home/ors/uthcode/trunk/python/pyweek/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 39, in sound
_sounds[filename] =, streaming=False)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyglet/media/", line 1386, in load
source = _source_class(filename, file)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyglet/media/", line 202, in __init__
'AVbin is required to decode compressed media') AVbin is required to decode compressed media

4 2 3

Nice! It wasn't clear how to catch the bigger fishes, and it would have been good to put something like hiscores, play again, etc.

4 4 4

Neat, but short :)

2 4 2

pretty simplistic game, but it looks nice especially with particle effects.

3 3 3

Cool, well done game. Unfortunately I didn't find it very entertaining.

3 4 3

Great production values. I liked the swimming effects. The casting felt and looked nice, though there wasn't often a feeling of reward for a good cast. The sounds and graphics were very well done. It was more "relaxing" than truly "fun" however.

3 3 3 yes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>
import main
File "/home/macarse/down/7/CampInvisible/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 9, in <module>
import window
File "/home/macarse/down/7/CampInvisible/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 2, in <module>
from import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/gl/", line 220, in <module>
from xlib import XlibConfig as Config
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/gl/", line 11, in <module>
from pyglet.canvas.xlib import XlibCanvas
ImportError: No module named canvas.xlib

3 4 3

fun game

4 3 4

It does lack some polish (title screen, highscore, whatever) but it's fun.

3 4 4

<p>I liked this entry quite bit (even if it turns repetitive after a while). It is frustrating that the gameplay is time limited (if you had done something where catchinmg a lot gives you more time, it would add gameplay).

<p>The throwing-the-line physics felt very very nice. The interface feels very good and polished (unusual for pyweek games with physics)

<p>I didn't get what was bad about electric eels? perhaps they hamper catching? I didn't see any negative effect.

5 3 4

Fun little game! I'm quite impressed! Great job on the production with making Lepton an optional dependency -- that is much appreciated. The graphics are very charming, and the gameplay intuitive and fun! Small minus on production score for not using Skellington. I really just had a fun time with this game -- I think my favorite part was just sitting there afterwards and repeatedly casting and reeling in the fish, long after the time limit ran out. I did that for quite a while, just playing with the game. I love the scroll wheel thing -- too much fun. Great job! You definitely "found the fun".

2 4 2


3 4 3

Pros: The game feels completed Very nice visuals an animation Cons: interesting at first, but
in few time one desires something new to do.

2 4 2

Looks nice, but not very innovative and funny..

3 4 3

The basic mechanics are there, its kind of fun to cast the line but catching, not so much.

3 4 3

Quite nice! Do the eels actually do anything? Also, the game seems to carry on after Game Over appears.

1 4 1

Nice, but not original! :(

1 1 1 yes

I think I have a different version of pyglet installed. You should consider bundling as many deps as possible with app and adjusting the system path at startup - beforing importing other modules. This is easy to do and avoids deployment snags around lib version mismatches.

/opt/personal/pyweek7/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/ UserWarning: Lepton particle engine not found, particles disabled
warnings.warn('Lepton particle engine not found, particles disabled')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>
import main
File "/opt/personal/pyweek7/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 10, in <module>
import game
File "/opt/personal/pyweek7/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 7, in <module>
import creatures
File "/opt/personal/pyweek7/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 438, in <module>
class SmallFish(Fish):
File "/opt/personal/pyweek7/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 440, in SmallFish
SCORE_LABEL = pyglet.text.Label('+%d'%POINTS, color=(0, 200, 0, 255), font_size=16)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'font_size'

2 3 3

Not bad all round, good for a little while, good work with graphics and music.

3 4 3

nice job

1 1 1 yes

I only have pyglet 1.0, and pyglet 1.1 is not packaged for my distro yet.
Managed to get past the first 2 errors by adding import statements, but this one defeated me, sorry.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>
import main
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 10, in <module>
import game
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 3, in <module>
import background
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 6, in <module>
import trawler
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 5, in <module>
import debris
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 6, in <module>
import particle
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 82, in <module>
class splash_effect:
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 91, in splash_effect
splash_tex = data.texture('bubble.png')
File "/home/peter/projects/pyweek7/judging/fishing_frenzy-1/lib/", line 45, in texture
return image(filename).get_texture()
AttributeError: 'ImageData' object has no attribute 'get_texture'

3 3 3

nice graphics, soundeffects+

4 3 3

Fun game, but lacks a title screen. Having to relaunch the app to play again was bad. (On the plus side wanting to play again was good :) )

3 4 4

Awesome, a fishing game! :) I extremely liked the idea of actually swinging the rod. In the end
though, i ended up keeping it in one position and just caught the fishes passing me. Maybe you
could've put a huge fish just on the right side to make the player use the swinging more, i don't
know. I read your final post and i agree: this game has lots of potential. Maybe a few new fishes
and some stuff to snag your line etc. In the end, the production was great, I'm totally waiting
for a sequel!