Sinister Ducks
Imagine a simplified version of the arcade classic 'Joust', but with more quacking.
Do not download from this page! The very latest version, with bugfixes, improved gameplay, and a hassle-free 'download and double-click' stand-alone Windows binary, lives at Sinister Ducks on GitHub.
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.1
Fun: 3.2
Production: 3.1
Innovation: 2.9
Respondents: 21
File | Uploader | Date |
screenshot -final |
tartley | 2009/09/05 23:44 |
— final
final entry |
tartley | 2009/09/05 23:42 |
initial submission |
tartley | 2009/09/05 17:17 |
Day 3: Hills added, ducks fight and feathers flutter about |
tartley | 2009/09/02 11:25 |
Diary Entries
It's no longer a solo entry - Menno has signed up, and Glenn and Christian are promising to do the same. None of us has managed to clear our calendar for the week, so we're just going to have to see what we can hack together in the few evenings we have available. Wish us luck, we're going to need it.
Tomfoolery commence
I see that we've already been awarded an award. Rather generously, in my opinion. In an effort to blend in with the locals I feel I'd better send a counter-award to our benefactor. Is this how the greasy pole works around these parts?
Aaagh! We don't start at midnight on Sunday, we start at 00:00 on Sunday! I better go rearrange my calendar...
hardware woes
12 hours into PyWeek, and I wake to find my laptop won't boot in Ubuntu (black screen, no console) and my desktop won't boot *at all* (GRUB error 21).
I know I'm awesome and all, but I wasn't expecting to be quite so flagrantly sabotaged, guys.
I guess I'm coding on XP for the forseeable. Sigh.
First screenshot. Blue skies, and flap! Flap! Flap!

freaking ridiculous
Hilarious progress. And look! One of the sinister ducks has *you* riding on it:

a note on scoring
Our gameplay leans heavily on 'Joust', except instead of one-hit kills, the losing party loses a feather. Both player and enemies can collect the shed feathers. The idea is number of feathers gives you more ability (eg. stronger flap). If uncollected, feathers fall off the bottom of the screen.
We had been scoring 10 points per collected feather. A friend wandered by and pointed out that if we made the scoring dependent on the number of consecutively collected feathers (without hitting any enemies) then it gives the player incentive to rush around attacking as many enemies as possible BEFORE then rushing to collect all the resulting feathers before they fall off the bottom of the screen.
The code change is tiny, and the movement of all the entities is unchanged, yet the difference on gameplay is incredible. A palpable urgency is injected, a modicum of tactics, geometric scoring rewards for playing well, and a risk-reward dynamic, since waiting before collecting feathers risks losing them off the bottom of the screen.
We had been scoring 10 points per collected feather. A friend wandered by and pointed out that if we made the scoring dependent on the number of consecutively collected feathers (without hitting any enemies) then it gives the player incentive to rush around attacking as many enemies as possible BEFORE then rushing to collect all the resulting feathers before they fall off the bottom of the screen.
The code change is tiny, and the movement of all the entities is unchanged, yet the difference on gameplay is incredible. A palpable urgency is injected, a modicum of tactics, geometric scoring rewards for playing well, and a risk-reward dynamic, since waiting before collecting feathers risks losing them off the bottom of the screen.
feathers give "stronger flaps" : doesn't work
Last night I tried out making feather collection give the player and enemies stronger flaps. I failed.
In the player's case, there seems to be no utility to stronger flaps. Flaps which are too weak mean the player has to flap like crazy to stay aloft. Flaps which are too strong make the player hard to control - you overshoot a lot. Playing either way is annoying, and it seems bad to make the player have to contend with either of these circumstances.
Also, changing enemy flap power made the rudimentary AI harder to tune and get right, with no actual payoff.
So I'm thinking of scrapping variable strength flaps. Collecting feathers gives the player points (with flashy combos, I hope), and gives the enemies more smarts (I hope)
In the player's case, there seems to be no utility to stronger flaps. Flaps which are too weak mean the player has to flap like crazy to stay aloft. Flaps which are too strong make the player hard to control - you overshoot a lot. Playing either way is annoying, and it seems bad to make the player have to contend with either of these circumstances.
Also, changing enemy flap power made the rudimentary AI harder to tune and get right, with no actual payoff.
So I'm thinking of scrapping variable strength flaps. Collecting feathers gives the player points (with flashy combos, I hope), and gives the enemies more smarts (I hope)
I have been sick as a dog the last two days, so I guess we'll be submitting with a few more rough edges than otherwise. Can see straight this afternoon, so I'll see what I can do in the hours remaining without breaking everything.
Wouldn't be fun if it was all straightforward, right?
Wouldn't be fun if it was all straightforward, right?
oops - no binaries
With hindsight, I realise that I failed to include any binary versions
with our upload of Sinister Ducks - I really was feverishly sick the last few days, and
didn't get anything productive done after Wednesday night, except
taking a coloring brush to our all-black place-holder art, and then
hitting the 'upload' button during one of my lucid moments. So I must
respectfully request that people run our game from the source, if that is possible. Thanks for the
what I learned from the Sinister Ducks
I'm probably still a little delirious, but here are my post-mortem thoughts about our game, and PyWeek.
Sinister Ducks is our first PyWeek submission. We had a great time putting it together. Many thanks to Richard and everyone else who contributes to making PyWeek happen, and to all the other entrants for their work and passion and joy and tears and advice.
It is about the simplest game we could think up. We didn't set out with the following goal in mind, but after a day or so it became clear we were pretty much converging on the gameplay of the arcade classic 'Joust'. After realising that, we didn't go out of our way to avoid it - after all, Joust was really fun!
We don't have wild innovation, terrific production values, nor any variation or depth. But it *is* a game, more or less, that provides an amount of fun within its small remit, flapping around bouncing off other birds heads, and we got it uploaded within the deadline, and can point at it and say 'I made this'. That makes me happy.
My lessons from PyWeek:
Even with such a simple game, it was surprising to me how difficult the core mechanics were to nail down. For several days we imagined that collecting feathers would give birds a more powerful flap, but then we discovered that this wasn't actually a very desireable thing for the player, so we had to scrap that. So, plan to iterate on game mechanics is one lesson that obviously I've heard others say many times, but I'm learning all over again for myself now.
We could have worked two or three times faster if we had any experience with the (parts of) the libraries we were using. In particular, for us, we should have seen ahead of time that we would end up doing a 2D sprite game, because that just seems easiest and simplest, and hence I should have invested a little time up front understanding a few of the libraries for doing sprites, by hacking out a spritey demo or game, long before PyWeek.
I dabble in games and graphics programming in my spare time, although the majority of that time goes into undirected exporation of whatever I'm finding most interesting at the time. Having a tangible goal with a short timeframe like this was a good change of pace for me, because it forced me to grapple with the mundane nitty gritty (like digging out that microphone headset and actually recording some dying-duck noises), rather than just imagining the process and thinking 'yeah yeah, I could do that'.
All four of us on the team are professional software engineers. We like to think of ourselves as being relatively agile and enlightened, as corporate programming drones go. It's clear though that the different environment and parameters of PyWeek caused us to struggle against some of our ingrained mindsets. One of us, when creating a three-line .ini file to store some settings for the game, found himself thinking about how best to acquire / implement a general-purpose config parser - luckily he caught himself in time. I, however, actually spent (wasted?) a few hours refactoring our sprite/image handling code. Although the code is now better looking for it, I didn't then have any time left over to build anything on top of the refactored code, so the user-visible difference is naught. With such a tight timeline, at least for a team like ours that is inexperienced in this domain, and has limited free time at our disposal, everything has to be focused on immediate and visible payoff. What can I do that will improve the game this hour? Within ten minutes?
Right. Time for chicken soup, then some judging...
Sinister Ducks is our first PyWeek submission. We had a great time putting it together. Many thanks to Richard and everyone else who contributes to making PyWeek happen, and to all the other entrants for their work and passion and joy and tears and advice.
It is about the simplest game we could think up. We didn't set out with the following goal in mind, but after a day or so it became clear we were pretty much converging on the gameplay of the arcade classic 'Joust'. After realising that, we didn't go out of our way to avoid it - after all, Joust was really fun!
We don't have wild innovation, terrific production values, nor any variation or depth. But it *is* a game, more or less, that provides an amount of fun within its small remit, flapping around bouncing off other birds heads, and we got it uploaded within the deadline, and can point at it and say 'I made this'. That makes me happy.
My lessons from PyWeek:
Even with such a simple game, it was surprising to me how difficult the core mechanics were to nail down. For several days we imagined that collecting feathers would give birds a more powerful flap, but then we discovered that this wasn't actually a very desireable thing for the player, so we had to scrap that. So, plan to iterate on game mechanics is one lesson that obviously I've heard others say many times, but I'm learning all over again for myself now.
We could have worked two or three times faster if we had any experience with the (parts of) the libraries we were using. In particular, for us, we should have seen ahead of time that we would end up doing a 2D sprite game, because that just seems easiest and simplest, and hence I should have invested a little time up front understanding a few of the libraries for doing sprites, by hacking out a spritey demo or game, long before PyWeek.
I dabble in games and graphics programming in my spare time, although the majority of that time goes into undirected exporation of whatever I'm finding most interesting at the time. Having a tangible goal with a short timeframe like this was a good change of pace for me, because it forced me to grapple with the mundane nitty gritty (like digging out that microphone headset and actually recording some dying-duck noises), rather than just imagining the process and thinking 'yeah yeah, I could do that'.
All four of us on the team are professional software engineers. We like to think of ourselves as being relatively agile and enlightened, as corporate programming drones go. It's clear though that the different environment and parameters of PyWeek caused us to struggle against some of our ingrained mindsets. One of us, when creating a three-line .ini file to store some settings for the game, found himself thinking about how best to acquire / implement a general-purpose config parser - luckily he caught himself in time. I, however, actually spent (wasted?) a few hours refactoring our sprite/image handling code. Although the code is now better looking for it, I didn't then have any time left over to build anything on top of the refactored code, so the user-visible difference is naught. With such a tight timeline, at least for a team like ours that is inexperienced in this domain, and has limited free time at our disposal, everything has to be focused on immediate and visible payoff. What can I do that will improve the game this hour? Within ten minutes?
Right. Time for chicken soup, then some judging...
oh no we're not
ignore what this used to say. I am delerious.
FYI: unblanced gameplay in Sinister Duckes
Hey there,
I belatedly realise that it's only fair for to me to point out to all of you who are presumably *still playing* Sinister Ducks that it's very very hard to actually die. (ie. let enough enemy ducks bash you on the head so that you run out of feathers and plummet from the sky.) Even if you did - you have infinite lives! So you can just stop playing once you've had enough.
I belatedly realise that it's only fair for to me to point out to all of you who are presumably *still playing* Sinister Ducks that it's very very hard to actually die. (ie. let enough enemy ducks bash you on the head so that you run out of feathers and plummet from the sky.) Even if you did - you have infinite lives! So you can just stop playing once you've had enough.