PyWeek - aqfire, WingsOfCode, derpcode, pyguy and stripedkramer join forces to create...something - feedback

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The controls were a little sluggish.

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I love character building, so initially I was intrigued. But when I got to the robot level I floated around for a good five minutes and could not get close to any powerups. Ultimately frustrating. I wanted to see the boss. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

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Can't say I quite understood what I was doing

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the control is very annoying

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Nice work guys!

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no sound

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OK gameplay, although seemed a bit simplistic. The mix of detailed clipart
and the drawn art didn't work for me.

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could have been more interesting when having more time

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nice game ;)

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Got really Tedious

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Well, this game has some things going for it. I like the different levels and choosing powerups by choosing what you'll mutate into. The gameplay had some issues, though. I got to the level with the robots and no matter how relentlessly I pursued I could never catch up to the computer, which was always running away from me, if I was reading the minimap correctly. I scoured the whole level and only found one green blob, so I didn't feel like I had any chance of ever catching up.

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There's a least one copyright violation. We can read "Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company" in the file asteroid.jpg.

I don't think this game is fun or innovative. The only good part is the displacement keys. But it doesn't compensate for the poor graphics.

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Hm, quite basic. The idea could have been used in a better way. The first and last levels were really odd.

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This looks very unfinished. It isn't entirely clear what I should be doing in the second level, and there's no real basis for deciding which mutation to accept.

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I wonder what the last level is about. A robot looking at asteroids in space?

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Nicely enough produced but really needed for there to be more to the game to make it fun for me.

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Just not all that exciting. I never could catch up with the 4th-level boss, even though I was using the speedy robot.

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First you have to work on controls... then you can think how to improve the game look: I can't see any link between your mutations and the "smiles" you take. Try to think a simple story and work to fit all the objects of the game in it.

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Reminds me a bit of EVO: Search for Eden. Level 4 had me chasing dots on the mini map until I
finally gave up...

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didn't really know how it works

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I liked the graphical select menu that appears between rounds.
I found the first round confusing.
Are the victors determined based on stats alone? I 'won' dont' know why though.

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The game was a little confusing in terms of why you mutate after level 1 and how you win.

The overal graphics were pretty nice:)

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The controls were kinda sluggish for me.

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Very simple Spore style game. Balancing is particularly bad, not upgrading speed left me
completly unmovable as a robot. Frustrating space level as it was impossible to reach the
enemey. No audio.

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It was quite difficult to control the player, especially on the robot level. When I got to that I couldn't complete the level as the enemies seemed to be shifting all over the place. It was difficult to tell how fast I was going, as I was static relative the background and I couldn't predict where the other objects were going to be until I bumped into them.

It would have been better if there was more of an objective to each level, and more feedback before you succeed/die. I didn't really understand what I was meant to be doing at first and the choice of things to mutate into didn't affect my strategy at all.

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I was lost in space :/ Could not finish that level.
Could not hold down arrow keys on some levels to gain more speed

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This game just didn't catch me. The handling seemed quirky and I didn't really get why I'm doing stuff.

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Do the types of blob collected actually change anything? It seemed really difficult to notice a difference in the path I chose.