can someone tell me? do we have to use skellation? i want to handle all the stuff myself(log in to comment)
But in the end I used it anyway. Richard did state that if you really don't want to use it ie(you only have one file, or you just don't want you use it so you can do it all yourself) you don't have to, but if it is at all difficult for others to play your game ie(you haver multiple files in the root directory and none of them is named main, so it is difficult to tell what file to run to play the game) you would receive "no mercy" and probably be docked a ton of points. I'll get you some links if I need to.
But I would strongly suggest using the skellington anyway.
In the end, if you want to set it up yourself, at least only have a Readme.txt,, and license stuff in your top directory, and have everything else in subdirs :)
You can find his latest download here.
I may make it sound hard, but really it's really simple, I was intimidated by it at first in pyweek 4, but it works really well, believe me, you can download it here: Here