Skellington 1.8


Skellington 1.8 now has support for eggs which are not zip safe, such as PGU and Pygame!

Also in 1.8, support for versions of the same egg for each platform. Ie you can distribute mac, linux and win32 builds of one egg (eg the pygame egg), which will make it easier for players to run your game.

PGU and a Linux build of Pygame have now been eggified, and are available here:

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What do you mean they are not zip safe? Are they somehow linked to the file system?
This is not actually related to the new features in Skellington 1.8 or Skellington 1.7, but I'd like to request one change to the package. The load function in caused a lot of incompatibility issues last time because one can use it the wrong way under Linux without even noticing it. The function in itself doesn't do that much, so could it please be removed from the official Skellington before PyWeek 5 is on us? I think that would save people from a lot of unnecessary headaches.
I'm not really sure why there is even a module for loading stuff.
It isn't that difficult to just load the files from a data directory, and I know a lot of people last time used the load function, which already opens a file,and then passed that to pygame, which wasn't pretty, instead of just using the filepath function.
I think that might be what Hectigo is referring to.

But basically filepath is the same as calling os.path.join("data","filename.x"), and that really isn't hard to do, and it is rather less confusing IMO.
I was hoping to add in case error detection in the module, but never got around to it. Only active when __debug__ was turned on, it'd make sure that the case pf the filename used to open the file matched the case on disk.

But yeah, the data module could just return a filename.

eugman: a 'not-zip-safe' egg is a python module which also carries data along with it. Ie in pygame, the freesansbold.ttf is installed with the module. Because of his, these sorts of modules can't be used from a zipped up egg, and need to be uncompressed.

hectigo, rb[0], richard: no worries, I'll make the changes.