Some fun...
some fun facts from Pyweek, past and present that I have collected.Pyweek1 is omitted from some things:
Pyweek 1:
Nothing here, because the script i created doesnt handle the format of the original page, sorry :(
Pyweek 2:
Production was the most emphasized category, with 20 of the entires receiving it as there highest, or tied with the highest, rank.
Innovation was next with 14.
And fun was least, with only 4.
overall averages were:
fun was 2.6
innovation was 2.8
production was 2.9
average was 2.75
entrant voters was 29%
DNW was 0%
disqualifications were 0.3%
Pyweek 3:
Production was the most emphasized category, with 15 of the entires receiving it as there highest, or tied with the highest, rank.
Innovation was next with 11.
And fun was least, with only 5.
overall averages were:
fun was 2.7
innovation was 2.9
production was 3.0
average was 2.9(ruffly)
entrant voters was 38%
DNW was 0%
disqualifications were 1.2%
Pyweek 4:
Production was the most emphasized category, with 26 of the entires receiving it as there highest, or tied with the highest, rank.
Innovation was next with 25.
And fun was least, with only 10.
overall averages were:
fun was 2.8
innovation was 3.0
production was 3.0
average was 2.9
entrant voters was 35%
DNW was 7%
disqualifications were 0.3%
From all the competions:
Highest ever ranking was in Pyweek 2, by Rushed "Nelly's rooftop garden",
with 4.4 fun, 4.2 production, 4.6 innovation, 4.4 average, 36% voters, 0% DQ
Highest team average ranking has been the same every single competition,
with the winning team getting a 3.9 average:
philhassey-Pyweek1,Pekuja-Pyweek2,PyAr2-Pyweek3, toba4-pyweek4
eugman(Pyweek4-Awesome block game 2 -- return of the block: The story of one block against the world)
is the only entry ever to score the exact same in all categories(fun, innovation, production, average)
with a score of 2.6
I hope you enjoyed this, if you have any other interesting(or not ;)) facts from pyweek you wish to share, please post them here.
Or, if you find a flaw in any of my facts, please let me know, and post the fix here.
Thank you :)
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More 'Highest Ever' rankings from Pyweeks 2, 3 and 4:
Highest Fun Rating Ever:
(4.4) - Pyweek 2 - Nelly's Rooftop Garden
Highest Production Rating Ever:
(4.6) - Pyweek 4 - Tie between Bubble Kong and Evolution
Highest Innovation Rating Ever:
(4.6) - Pyweek 2 - Nelly's Rooftop Garden
I personally wouldn't mind if we had more awards, and more official recognition of achievement. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative feedback received, where we feel like we aren't getting anywhere, and that nobody likes our games. A little mocking or discouragement goes a long way in the comments (especially considering they're coming from peers). I certainly don't want to tell everyone that they did perfectly or something merely to boost their self-esteem -- that's lame. But I still think we should recognize achievement where significant achievement is made. "Best first-time entry" or "Most fun game" or "Best graphics" or "Most original gameplay" or something to make it more like the Academy Awards and less like an X-Prize "all or nothing" sort of competition. Seriously -- imagine if the Oscars just had a 1st and 2nd place, for all of the movies released that year -- where's the motivation to create if you've got something like that?
I preferred it when there were winners in overall, innovation, fun, and production,
instead of having an overall only ranking system.
Also, we could do an official trophy thing(I think ludumdare does something similar), that way you could actually get something(besides a part-way finished game, of course) from winning a category :)
For my personally, I use the ratings and feedback as a way to improve my game development. Learning how to increase your rating is a great way to learn how to build better games. Here's a bit of a pyweek post-mortem from me on game objectives:
pyweek1 - My local team made the game, and luck have it, it came out good :) Though it was hard work!
pyweek2 - I tried doing a team compo with illume and some other folks, it didn't go so well, because we didn't have a very organized vision, and being a distributed team made that even harder!
pyweek3 - I really wanted to make an adventure game - so having that clear vision and going back to the local team was real good for this one. The game came out just how I wanted it :)
pyweek4 - I really wanted to make a mario3 clone - again, a clear vision, in particular - one that was easy to communicate to others, made it possible to have a global team this time. The game came out considerably better than I expected due to the excellent work done by the team. (Though our compo release levels were weak due to running out of time.)
pyweek5 - The last two compos I've placed well, but have had marginal innovation scores - obviouslly because I've made clones of existing games just to satisfy my inner desire to make those games (for whatever reason). I'm think it's about time I tried to place high in the innovation category!
Anyway - no promises, but I think there's a good chance that I'll be trying to increase innovation in the future. I really think building a game that gets both high fun marks and high innovation marks is one of the biggest challenges :)
Some general tips -
- if you want to get a higher score, make sure your game has good production. From what I see in scoring, good production makes the gameplay experience funner, and rubs off onto your innovation category just because.
- make sure the game is fun, no matter what! In particular, make it simple. When judging, a person will typically have to play 50+ games. Given that, I usually give a game a 1-3 minute chance to get me interested in the game. If I'm not interested I give up and move on. Make sure people are immediately engaged by the game. Simple obvious gameplay with immediate rewards is esseintial.
- in the case of a more sophisticated game, there is a trick to the 1-3 minute "attention grabber" - make the game look good, so people will be willing to give it more time, and build in a tutorial that teaches you how to play the game. If the tutorial takes 10 minutes, that's okay, because I'm generally willing to learn something more complicated if the developer has spent the time to teach me. If I just have a text file explaining complex relationships between goals in the game and a bunch of weird controls, I won't bother. -- Great example of doing it this correctly was: -- without a tutorial, I would have given up in a minute. The tutorial got me into the game and I played it for at least an hour!
- back to the 1-3 minute guide: if you have grabbed the players attention for 3 minutes, and you've convinced them that your game is good, you can count on them to play your game for around 20 more minutes. In my pyweek3 "Wiljafjord" adventure game - I made sure that the game could be beaten by an average gamer in about 25 minutes, because I figured people would get annoyed if the game were longer or more difficult. That was a weakness of "Bubble Kong" - we didn't reserve enough time to build levels, so some of the ones in the compo release were rather too hard or bothersome.
- leads me to the point: make the game easy at first! Hard games aren't fun until you've mastered the easy bits ... and like the game so much that you *want* to be challenged. (Basically, the same as above 1-3 minutes to get people into the game - 20 minutes total.)
Yikes - I rambled a bit, but hopefully those tips will be useful to someone :)
- Phil
Also, I am going to be working on trophy graphics anyway, so I will try my hand at a few for pyweek.
the competitions have been split between teams and individuals,
twice a team has had the highest average score, and twice a single-person entry has had the highest score.