Team heureusement is here
...but we're no professionals ;) In past competitions hosted by Richard, such as the Ludum Dare (we didn't make it to the last pyweek), we've relied on simplicity and 2D graphics. Unfortunately the only product of this team('s primary member, since it was in the LD48) was a horrible game called Misgnomer.Regardless, we are likely to have a lot of fun in the process. Our current members are:
- Mac, who specializes in graphics (PSP 8, Animation Shop 3, Maxon Cinema 4D), and...
- dbickett, the pythonista.
For sound we'll be using Audacity, and a very cheap microphone.
For data storage and retrieval we'll be using a combination of ElementTree and my xmlValue modules, which I will release here as soon as I can salvage my old hard drive.
So, for now, that's all the introductory comments I can think to put here (it seems we're the first to go into detail).
Hello all, good luck, looking forward to the themes :)