Swimmy Submarine

After a false start on Monday, I put my thinking cap on for a game on the theme of "downstream".

Since I'm playing with relatively new technology for making a game in Python (i.e. running it in the browser via PyScript), I wanted a simple game... something daft but fun like Flappy Bird. How about Swimmy Sub? The back story isn't complicated... just navigate downstream in your sub, avoid the aquatic life and collect the treasure dropped by pirates.

Everything is being done via MicroPython and the DOM. Emoji are the "sprites", CSS is helping with basic layout, animated backgrounds via webp and I've even found a cheesy AI generated "under the water world" song to set the mood.

Here's a couple of screenies that show a few hour's worth of work, around 200 lines of Python... most of the work has been curating and refining assets:

Next steps:

  • A scoring system, and actual treasure to collect.
  • More subtle animation of the aquatic life.
  • Check it works on mobile (it should be simple).
  • Fine tuning of the various settings for speed and movement.
  • Play test with my kids.
  • Try not to get fed up with that damn AI generated music. ;-)

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Cool!, although I think the background is way too pixelated in compaarision to the emojis.
Yeah, so the background is actually an animated GIF :-) and it'll depend on the resolution of the window as to how pixelated the animation will look. Actually, the background can be one of five GIF-ish (webp) animated images of an aquatic theme.