Starting to look like a game
This is finally starting to look like a game! The balloon, crows and parachutes are all doing their thing. The most important part not implemented yet is the wind. So at this point there is no way to use the wind to move left or right, which isn't that great. :-)
Things still to do:
- Wind layers, and visible indication of wind direction. I haven't decided yet if it is going to be flags on the trench walls or moving clouds that will indicate wind direction and speed. Clouds would be cool but flags may be easier to do.
- Improve collision detection - pygame's rectangular detection scheme doesn't work great on a round balloon. ;-)
- There should be water at the bottom of the thrench of course...
- Win (reached top of trench) and loose (you're in the water) conditions that end the game.
- HUD bars indicating lift and fuel level.
- A menu to start the game, quit and maybe choose a difficulty level.
Too much to do... ok back to work now.
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