mandalarana, initial vision

Okay, deep breaths... So, this is yet another tunnel runner game, of which there will probably be a dozen in this competition; No matter, just as long as this is fun for five minutes.

My initial milestones are:
* Packaging; Without that, nothing really matters.
* Fiddling with the graphics until I'm satisfied with the flying-through a mandala feel
* Adding mechanics; What this will be exactly will depend on how much time is left.

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Whoops... for those who want to try already. `pip install panda3d` and `python`.
Hey just took a look at your demo and it looks really cool :D Cant wait to see the final result🚀
If the topic of packaging is something you wanna outsource as much as possible maybe take a look at our repository:

We use github actions to automate our build process and have as little overhead as possible^^
Relevant files are the and .github/workflows/main.yml