And it comes to an end

Saturday evening finale,

So the answer to the question we posed to ourselves in the last blog, could we get the final boss programmed in the final hours? Sadly, the answer was no :(

But thats ok! We still think we got a nice concept out there for people to waste some time on :)

What else did we not get to do?

Well, the elephant in the room would be how almost all the assets being used are resources included with the Arcade library, haha. And the backgrounds are free resources provided under creative commons - see readme for credits. We would have liked to use some more unique assets, but we are programmers first and artists second :)

Lastly, one of the big gameplay hooks we wanted to implement was getting an upgrade to your ship after defeating a boss. Unfortunately, we just didn't have time to implement that. The ultimate goal was to make the game similar to Mega Man where you can freely choose which boss to engage and beating a boss gave you a unique weapon that would help you against other bosses.

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I suspect this is an arcade bug but I can't run the game because the music won't load.
<pre>AttributeError: 'AVFormatContext' object has no attribute 'nb_streams'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
FileNotFoundError: Unable to load sound file: ":resources:music/1918.mp3". Exception: 'AVFormatContext' object has no attribute 'nb_streams'</pre>
Thanks! Have you tried running in an isolated venv? Could be you are running a different version of arcade on your main python install