A week of blogs in one

Well, where do we start. Unfortunately we didn't really have the time to upload any blogs this week, but just to let everyone know how we spent our time :)

Sunday - We got a late start and then spent some time talking about what kind of game we wanted to even make in the first place. We settled on a shoot'em up and we decided we would shoehorn the theme in around killing enemies to charge up your "dark matter" drive for your space ship :)

Monday - Basic programming of player and regular enemy movement and weapon firing added

Tuesday - Audio added, menus, logic for different boss encounters added

Wednesday - More gameplay conditions added as well as proper collision detection

Thursday - More back end gameplay mechanics added/refined and one of 4 boss fights implemented

Friday - 2 more boss fights implemented

Saturday - Refinement to enemy and the 3 boss behavior added, package rounded out with readme, requirements, instructions, etc.

With only a few hours left on the challenge will we get the final boss fight added? Find out in our last blog entry to see what we missed out on wanting to add as well!