Day 6

Hey guys,

I had so much to do this week. In fact I still have stuff. I was playing this song called Hoe down by oliver nelson and I could only play it at 150bp. Then I grinded really hard today and now I can play the first part at 250 and the second part at 200. (on guitar)

I also finished my game. I hope it's not too hard...

Thanks for reading.

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I tried running the game in linux, but it didn't work. Got, 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 826, in <module>
    title_screen(screen,1280,720,1280,5,0.1,2000,10,"./assets/music/national_anthem.mp3",title,title_text1,titletext2)#song,background,image1, image2
  File "", line 521, in title_screen
pygame.error: Unrecognized audio format
Thanks for telling me! I have updated my submission so that it uses ogg files instead of mp3 files. It should work now.
I am extremely impressed by the quality of the game you have presented to us all. MISSION: CLAIM FREE DONUT has transcended the average typing game all the while maintaining a clear connection to the theme of this PyWeek challenge: cops. Whether it be the use of color symbolism in the apples (red for danger) and the donut (pink for youth and playfulness), a soundtrack fitting for each scene, the beautiful and unique art nonexistent in other games, the substantial educational potential, or the reflection of our societal issues and values, your excellent judgement and creativity has allowed this game to be as great as it is.