We are a bunch of newbies in pygame. So, our goal was to approach something simple for our first attempt.Day 1:
We brainstormed the ideas we had, we came up with 4 individual games that will end up in 4 different levels, after passing those four levels our character "Pera" will be able to get away from the island
Day 2:
We started preparing the codes for our games. The character was selected and all the background image and music were ready. The controls were written in the code
Day 3:
The scoring system was fixed. And the game was thought how to put together
Day 4:
Bugs were fixed and start menu and end menu was added
Day 5:
We spent this day to go through each others' code and see if there was any bug left and then fixed it
Day 6:
The 4 games were synced together and we played the whole game to see whether it is user friendly
Day 7:
Necessary Instructions were added and finally submitted
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