3D picking
Added a quick 3D picking routine, not sure it will make through the final game, thought...
I will need the exact ID of the object picked by the player, maybe the Physics (using a raycast) will serve this purpose more easily.
In the meantime, screenshot...
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Hey :)
I'm using the HARFANG 3D engine.
I will use shaders, in a sense that I don't think it is still possible to do hardware accelerated 3D without shaders.
At the moment, I think I will keep things simple, with lots of constrasts. I don't think to use NPR (non photo realistic) rendering, but we'll see in the end.
I will use shaders, in a sense that I don't think it is still possible to do hardware accelerated 3D without shaders.
At the moment, I think I will keep things simple, with lots of constrasts. I don't think to use NPR (non photo realistic) rendering, but we'll see in the end.
For now I need to focus on the gameplay :p
Buffalo974 on 2019/03/25 14:28: