I have uploaded...
Our first snap-shot of the game, the green cylinder is you, the red ones are enemies and the green platforms are platforms.There seems to be a problem though, with the camera, if you dont move the player at all, the camera will circle it as planned, but if you move at all it does weird stuff.
You move the camera with the left-right arrow keys, and you move the player with the up-down arrow keys, you can also jump with the space bar.
I think there might also be a prob with the math3d module, but that might just be the bad camera again.
Would anyone mind looking at it?
The camera stuff is in the main GAME.py file, lines 80 through 87
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Tomorrow and Tuesday I plan on destroying my physics and Characters modules :/
and then rewrite just a "basic" sphere/bbox collision detection system(like 3d rects, circles), and then rewrite my Characters to handle all physics on there own, sigh
Here I was so happy with what we had...
But it is probably for the best, last time I had a very similar thing happen, but instead of gutting immediately, I went ahead and tried to fix it, so I spent the last two days recoding almost the entire game:/
And the game mechanics were kinda getting away from the feeling we wanted, so it was for the best I'd say :)
And BTW, wow, some of these entries are really looking great! Nice job everyone!