Theme troubleshooting
So I spent the last hour or so brainstorming how I'm going to do this thing, and trying to come up with something that'll both fit the theme, and work within the constraint that I seem to have set myself.
Here's what I've got so far, it looks like the industrial theme is the go, based on the number of ideas it triggered, but feel free to steal the other ideas :D
The theme is flow, so the first step is to go look at ( and think about the sorts of games I can make, and how I'm going to do this whole thing.
- it should definitely be multiplayer
- use the cute aliens from the platformer pack
- use joysticks and have a couch game (but still need a single player mode)
Thoughts on the theme/graphics:
- Should we use just one or two map packs? or collate a "custom" image set?
- Platformer deluxe doesn't really fit the 'flow' theme (pipes, rivers, etc.) unless I do weird stuff with it?
Some sort of thing with pipes?
- Aliens building a pipe network for some reason? Water and/or sewage management? (
Or perhaps holding back a tide or river to save a town from flooding? (, or the platformer town one?)
- rain -> river flow
- build dams, plant/log trees, build sandbag walls, dig trenches, operate pumps, move water downhill or soak it into the ground.
Population or animal management?
- farm: Fences, food, crazy goat AI
- try to get animals into the right place without having your roses or crops eaten
- or a city: subway station management
- paths, different animal types don't mix (chickens + pigs)
- animals can break fences if they're left for too long near food
- more a simulation: cut down trees, plant different ones, remove weeds, encourage animals
- manage erosion, water, sun, wind
- relationships between the animals + plants, spreading seeds (poop!), eating certain types
- fencing + management while the system stabilises
- need to feed yourself, too.
- manage a production line, build conveyor belts, pick things up, run around with them
- machines which assemble parts to make 'stuff'
- ingots (copper, iron, carbon?, aluminium, biological?, glass)
-> plates, wires, cogs
-> widgets (boxes? larger parts, anyway)
-> TVs, chainsaws, toys, robots (generic items pack: - different types of flow:
- parts, electrical, hydraulic
- multiple lines of production
- different tools for each, which you have to pick up and put down :) - limited parts (belts, pipes, wires, machines) to make it happen
- new parts arrive all the time (can order some?)
- requests for new things to make,
- refactoring production lines on the fly
- maybe stuff randomly breaks and backs up and you have to fix it?
- timed, everyone running around frantically trying to make it all hang together
- bathroom breaks required - every alien has a little yellow bar next to them which builds up over time. Maybe only one bathroom, too :D
- A manual (which you have to go run to) which will bring up lists of recipes (but pause the game?)
- Maybe you need to build the machines, too?
- 3 hour 'crunches' a'la agile sprints (this is the first one :) )
- 2-3 crunches per day
- - maybe 4 if a crunch finishes early
- - 2 if I have something on in the evening
- try and have an extra feature + working game at the end of each crunch
- Python-only version for most of it (just need to have Python + pygame installed), but build an .exe at key points/milestones
- recruit play testers
- - family :)
- - might be hard for a couch co-op?
- need to leave time for polish + playtesting (maybe? or just go full goat simulator)