My maze-fu is strong

Super Spelunker is born!

What you see below is a randomly generated maze. I started with the standard depth-first search algorithm, added the width limitation which gives it the upside-down-pyramid shape, then tweaked the algorithm slightly to give more pleasing results.

I'm not sure if the pyramid shape will be kept yet, or if it will be kept but turned upside down. I'm also not yet going to release any details of gameplay in the sense of how you will actually get around the maze (other than what's already written in my entry description); partly because they aren't finalised, but mostly because it's mysteeeerious.

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Crikey, that's a superb maze. I was playing around with very simple mazes myself, essentially for random room generation, but nothing on this scale. Impressive.
Omg this seems impossible to solve. How the hell can you incorporate this into a game without making all tge people who try to solve it starve to death :)?
This was just a test - the in-game mazes may well be a lot smaller. If they *are* that big, there will probably be a collectible map and save points, with actually ascending in any given game being more like ascending in Nethack than finishing a single level of a game. ;)
Oh, well this looks a lot more impressing before reading the wiki page you linked to :) Although it's still a lot more than I got, and cooler :)