A Game Concept from my Kids
Over lunch I chatted with my kids about the theme of "two worlds" and, while we didn't come up with specifics for the game, they came up with some really interesting ideas which I think I'd like to use:- There is only one world in the game, and you play the same game world but as two (very) different character's. As a result, there are, in fact, two worlds -- one for each of the points of view of the two characters.
- My kids suggested the game is set in school (NPCs being boring teachers, the school bully etc...)
- My kids suggested the two characters play the same (zero sum) game against the other sort of character. I think they mean a sort of "jocks vs nerds" type situation (but I'm not sure they even know what they mean).
- They like side scrollers "just like Mario, can't you just rip that off Dad?" ;-)
- Suggested game title from my youngest, "Ready Players 2"
Not sure how much of the above will get into the game, but I now have a game "trope" to work with (side scroller) so I know what sort of game mechanics I'll be writing -- I can flesh out the story and motivations as the week goes on.
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